[][src]Trait vulkanalia_sys::Handle

pub trait Handle: Copy + Clone + Debug + PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Default + Sized {
    type Repr;

    const TYPE: ObjectType;

    fn null() -> Self;
fn from_raw(value: Self::Repr) -> Self;
fn as_raw(self) -> Self::Repr;
fn is_null(self) -> bool; }

A Vulkan handle type.

Associated Types

type Repr

The underlying type for this handle type.

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Associated Constants

const TYPE: ObjectType

The object type for this handle type.

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Required methods

fn null() -> Self

Constructs a null instance of this handle type.

fn from_raw(value: Self::Repr) -> Self

Constructs an instance of this handle type with the supplied underlying value.

fn as_raw(self) -> Self::Repr

Gets the underlying value for this handle.

fn is_null(self) -> bool

Returns whether this handle is a null handle.

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impl Handle for AccelerationStructureKHR[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for Buffer[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for BufferView[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for CommandBuffer[src]

type Repr = usize

impl Handle for CommandPool[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for DebugReportCallbackEXT[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for DebugUtilsMessengerEXT[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for DeferredOperationKHR[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for DescriptorPool[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for DescriptorSet[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for DescriptorSetLayout[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for DescriptorUpdateTemplate[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for Device[src]

type Repr = usize

impl Handle for DeviceMemory[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for DisplayKHR[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for DisplayModeKHR[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for Event[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for Fence[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for Framebuffer[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for Image[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for ImageView[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for IndirectCommandsLayoutNV[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for Instance[src]

type Repr = usize

impl Handle for PerformanceConfigurationINTEL[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for PhysicalDevice[src]

type Repr = usize

impl Handle for Pipeline[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for PipelineCache[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for PipelineLayout[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for PrivateDataSlotEXT[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for QueryPool[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for Queue[src]

type Repr = usize

impl Handle for RenderPass[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for Sampler[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for SamplerYcbcrConversion[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for Semaphore[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for ShaderModule[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for SurfaceKHR[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for SwapchainKHR[src]

type Repr = u64

impl Handle for ValidationCacheEXT[src]

type Repr = u64

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