Trait vsvg::Draw

source ·
pub trait Draw {
    // Required method
    fn add_path<T: IntoBezPathTolerance>(&mut self, path: T) -> &mut Self;

    // Provided methods
    fn cubic_bezier(
        &mut self,
        x1: impl Into<f64>,
        y1: impl Into<f64>,
        x2: impl Into<f64>,
        y2: impl Into<f64>,
        x3: impl Into<f64>,
        y3: impl Into<f64>,
        x4: impl Into<f64>,
        y4: impl Into<f64>
    ) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn quadratic_bezier(
        &mut self,
        x1: impl Into<f64>,
        y1: impl Into<f64>,
        x2: impl Into<f64>,
        y2: impl Into<f64>,
        x3: impl Into<f64>,
        y3: impl Into<f64>
    ) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn arc(
        &mut self,
        x: impl Into<f64>,
        y: impl Into<f64>,
        rx: impl Into<f64>,
        ry: impl Into<f64>,
        start: f64,
        sweep: f64,
        x_rot: f64
    ) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn circle(
        &mut self,
        x: impl Into<f64>,
        y: impl Into<f64>,
        r: impl Into<f64>
    ) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn ellipse(
        &mut self,
        x: impl Into<f64>,
        y: impl Into<f64>,
        rx: impl Into<f64>,
        ry: impl Into<f64>,
        x_rot: f64
    ) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn line(
        &mut self,
        x1: impl Into<f64>,
        y1: impl Into<f64>,
        x2: impl Into<f64>,
        y2: impl Into<f64>
    ) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn polyline(
        &mut self,
        points: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<Point>>,
        close: bool
    ) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn rect(
        &mut self,
        x: impl Into<f64>,
        y: impl Into<f64>,
        w: impl Into<f64>,
        h: impl Into<f64>
    ) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn rounded_rect(
        &mut self,
        x: impl Into<f64>,
        y: impl Into<f64>,
        w: impl Into<f64>,
        h: impl Into<f64>,
        tl: impl Into<f64>,
        tr: impl Into<f64>,
        br: impl Into<f64>,
        bl: impl Into<f64>
    ) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn catmull_rom(
        &mut self,
        points: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<Point>>,
        tension: f64
    ) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn svg_path(&mut self, path: &str) -> Result<&mut Self, SvgParseError> { ... }

Required Methods§


fn add_path<T: IntoBezPathTolerance>(&mut self, path: T) -> &mut Self

Provided Methods§


fn cubic_bezier( &mut self, x1: impl Into<f64>, y1: impl Into<f64>, x2: impl Into<f64>, y2: impl Into<f64>, x3: impl Into<f64>, y3: impl Into<f64>, x4: impl Into<f64>, y4: impl Into<f64> ) -> &mut Self

Draw a cubic Bézier curve from (x1, y1) to (x4, y4) with control points at (x2, y2) and (x3, y3).


fn quadratic_bezier( &mut self, x1: impl Into<f64>, y1: impl Into<f64>, x2: impl Into<f64>, y2: impl Into<f64>, x3: impl Into<f64>, y3: impl Into<f64> ) -> &mut Self

Draw a quadratic Bézier curve from (x1, y1) to (x3, y3) with control point at (x2, y2).


fn arc( &mut self, x: impl Into<f64>, y: impl Into<f64>, rx: impl Into<f64>, ry: impl Into<f64>, start: f64, sweep: f64, x_rot: f64 ) -> &mut Self

Draw an elliptical arc centered on (x, y) with radii rx and ry. The arc starts at start and sweeps sweep radians. x_rot is the rotation of the ellipse in radians.


fn circle( &mut self, x: impl Into<f64>, y: impl Into<f64>, r: impl Into<f64> ) -> &mut Self

Draw a circle centered on (x, y) with radius r.


fn ellipse( &mut self, x: impl Into<f64>, y: impl Into<f64>, rx: impl Into<f64>, ry: impl Into<f64>, x_rot: f64 ) -> &mut Self

Draw an ellipse centered on (x, y) with radii rx and ry. x_rot is the rotation of the ellipse in radians.


fn line( &mut self, x1: impl Into<f64>, y1: impl Into<f64>, x2: impl Into<f64>, y2: impl Into<f64> ) -> &mut Self

Draw a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).


fn polyline( &mut self, points: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<Point>>, close: bool ) -> &mut Self

Draw a polyline from a sequence of points, optionally closing it.


fn rect( &mut self, x: impl Into<f64>, y: impl Into<f64>, w: impl Into<f64>, h: impl Into<f64> ) -> &mut Self

Draw a rectangle centered on (x, y) with width w and height h.


fn rounded_rect( &mut self, x: impl Into<f64>, y: impl Into<f64>, w: impl Into<f64>, h: impl Into<f64>, tl: impl Into<f64>, tr: impl Into<f64>, br: impl Into<f64>, bl: impl Into<f64> ) -> &mut Self

Draw a rounded rectangle centered on (x, y) with width w and height h. The corners are rounded with radii tl, tr, br, bl.


fn catmull_rom( &mut self, points: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<Point>>, tension: f64 ) -> &mut Self

Draw a Catmull-Rom spline from a sequence of points and a tension parameter.

See crate::CatmullRom for more information.


fn svg_path(&mut self, path: &str) -> Result<&mut Self, SvgParseError>

Draw from an SVG path representation.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl Draw for Layer

Implementing this trait allows drawing directly into a layer.

Each Draw method will append a new path with default metadata to the layer.


use vsvg::{Draw, DocumentTrait};

let mut doc = vsvg::Document::default();
let layer = doc.get_mut(0);, 5.0, 10.0);