Crate vsmtp_protocol

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vSMTP protocol implementation

Currently only implement a ESMTPSA server.


pub use tokio_rustls::rustls;


Information received from the client at the connection TCP/IP.
Information received from the client at the AUTH command.
Information received from the client at the EHLO command.
Information received from the client at the HELO command.
Information received from the client at the MAIL FROM command.
Information received from the client at the RCPT TO command.
A SMTP receiver.
An handle to send event from the ReceiverHandler to the Receiver.
Buffer received from the client.


The possible outcomes of a SMTP-SASL handshake.
Type of SMTP connection.
Error while processing the TCP/IP stream.
Error while parsing the arguments of a command.
SMTP Command.


Trait to implement to handle the SMTP commands in pair with the Receiver.