Crate vsmtp_common

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vSMTP common definition


Data related to ESMTP Authentication
abstraction of the libc
rcpt data structure.
status of the mail context
transfer method for delivery / forwarding.
parsing utils.


Syntax sugar Address object from dyn ToString


Address Email
Properties of the authentication SASL
Creates an iterator over a domain that remove the prefix every call to next.
SMTP message send by the server to the client as defined in RFC5321#4.2
Properties of the TLS connection


Identity of the client.
A step-by-step SMTP envelop produced by the transaction
Codes as the start of each lines of a reply
Stage of the step-by-step SMTP transaction
What rules should be executed regarding the domains of the sender and recipients.


Default smtp port
Default submission over TLS port
Default submission port

Type Definitions