[][src]Crate vmread

A library for reading and writing windows memory running on a KVM-based virtual machine

Feature flags

vmread uses a set of feature flags to switch between different modes of operation. This is to allow maximum performance in given circumstances. Currently there are 3 available modes:

  • default: Uses system calls to perform memory read/write operations. It is the safest option available, although rather slow.
  • internal_rw: Accesses memory directly. This is meant for shared libraries that get loaded into the KVM process (usually qemu-system-x86_64). This is the least safe option, and is very inconsistent to pull off across various system installations.
  • kmod_rw: With the help of a kernel module we are able to map the entirety of KVM address space into our current address space and access it directly. It is a great blend between the default and internal modes, and is the best way forward if running custom kernel modules is an option.


A simple process list:

extern crate vmread;

fn main() {
    let ctx_ret = vmread::create_context(0);

    if ctx_ret.is_ok() {
        let (mut ctx, _) = ctx_ret.unwrap();
        println!("VMRead initialized!");

        println!("Process List:\nPID\tVIRT\t\t\tPHYS\t\tBASE\t\tNAME");
        for i in &(ctx.refresh_processes().process_list) {
           println!("{:#4x}\t{:#16x}\t{:#9x}\t{:#9x}\t{}", i.proc.pid, i.proc.process, i.proc.physProcess, i.proc.dirBase, i.name); 
    } else {
        let (eval, estr) = ctx_ret.err().unwrap();
        println!("Initialization error {}: {}", eval, estr);


pub extern crate vmread_sys as sys;
pub use self::win_context::*;
pub use self::win_process::*;
pub use self::win_dll::*;
pub use self::win_export::*;
pub use self::rwlist::*;
pub use self::tlb::*;

