/* automatically generated by rust-bindgen */

pub type size_t = :: std :: os :: raw :: c_uint ; pub type __uint8_t = :: std :: os :: raw :: c_uchar ; pub type __uint16_t = :: std :: os :: raw :: c_ushort ; pub type __uint32_t = :: std :: os :: raw :: c_uint ; pub type __int64_t = :: std :: os :: raw :: c_longlong ; pub type __uint64_t = :: std :: os :: raw :: c_ulonglong ; pub type __quad_t = :: std :: os :: raw :: c_longlong ; pub type __off_t = :: std :: os :: raw :: c_long ; pub type __off64_t = __quad_t ; pub type __pid_t = :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ; pub type __ssize_t = :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ; pub type pid_t = __pid_t ; pub type ssize_t = __ssize_t ; # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Default , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct ProcessData { pub mapsStart : u64 , pub mapsSize : u64 , pub pid : pid_t , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_ProcessData ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < ProcessData > ( ) , 20usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( ProcessData ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < ProcessData > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( ProcessData ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < ProcessData > ( ) ) ) . mapsStart as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( ProcessData ) , "::" , stringify ! ( mapsStart ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < ProcessData > ( ) ) ) . mapsSize as * const _ as usize } , 8usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( ProcessData ) , "::" , stringify ! ( mapsSize ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < ProcessData > ( ) ) ) . pid as * const _ as usize } , 16usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( ProcessData ) , "::" , stringify ! ( pid ) ) ) ; } extern "C" { pub static mut vmread_dfile : * mut FILE ; } # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Default , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER { pub Machine : u16 , pub NumberOfSections : u16 , pub TimeDateStamp : u32 , pub PointerToSymbolTable : u32 , pub NumberOfSymbols : u32 , pub SizeOfOptionalHeader : u16 , pub Characteristics : u16 , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout__IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER > ( ) , 20usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER > ( ) ) ) . Machine as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Machine ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER > ( ) ) ) . NumberOfSections as * const _ as usize } , 2usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ) , "::" , stringify ! ( NumberOfSections ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER > ( ) ) ) . TimeDateStamp as * const _ as usize } , 4usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ) , "::" , stringify ! ( TimeDateStamp ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER > ( ) ) ) . PointerToSymbolTable as * const _ as usize } , 8usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ) , "::" , stringify ! ( PointerToSymbolTable ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER > ( ) ) ) . NumberOfSymbols as * const _ as usize } , 12usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ) , "::" , stringify ! ( NumberOfSymbols ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER > ( ) ) ) . SizeOfOptionalHeader as * const _ as usize } , 16usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ) , "::" , stringify ! ( SizeOfOptionalHeader ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER > ( ) ) ) . Characteristics as * const _ as usize } , 18usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Characteristics ) ) ) ; } pub type IMAGE_FILE_HEADER = _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ; # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Default , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY { pub VirtualAddress : u32 , pub Size : u32 , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout__IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY > ( ) , 8usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY > ( ) ) ) . VirtualAddress as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY ) , "::" , stringify ! ( VirtualAddress ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY > ( ) ) ) . Size as * const _ as usize } , 4usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Size ) ) ) ; } pub type IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY = _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY ; # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Default , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 { pub Magic : u16 , pub MajorLinkerVersion : u8 , pub MinorLinkerVersion : u8 , pub SizeOfCode : u32 , pub SizeOfInitializedData : u32 , pub SizeOfUninitializedData : u32 , pub AddressOfEntryPoint : u32 , pub BaseOfCode : u32 , pub ImageBase : u64 , pub SectionAlignment : u32 , pub FileAlignment : u32 , pub MajorOperatingSystemVersion : u16 , pub MinorOperatingSystemVersion : u16 , pub MajorImageVersion : u16 , pub MinorImageVersion : u16 , pub MajorSubsystemVersion : u16 , pub MinorSubsystemVersion : u16 , pub Win32VersionValue : u32 , pub SizeOfImage : u32 , pub SizeOfHeaders : u32 , pub CheckSum : u32 , pub Subsystem : u16 , pub DllCharacteristics : u16 , pub SizeOfStackReserve : u64 , pub SizeOfStackCommit : u64 , pub SizeOfHeapReserve : u64 , pub SizeOfHeapCommit : u64 , pub LoaderFlags : u32 , pub NumberOfRvaAndSizes : u32 , pub DataDirectory : [ IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY ; 16usize ] , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout__IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) , 240usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . Magic as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Magic ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . MajorLinkerVersion as * const _ as usize } , 2usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( MajorLinkerVersion ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . MinorLinkerVersion as * const _ as usize } , 3usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( MinorLinkerVersion ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . SizeOfCode as * const _ as usize } , 4usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( SizeOfCode ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . SizeOfInitializedData as * const _ as usize } , 8usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( SizeOfInitializedData ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . SizeOfUninitializedData as * const _ as usize } , 12usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( SizeOfUninitializedData ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . AddressOfEntryPoint as * const _ as usize } , 16usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( AddressOfEntryPoint ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . BaseOfCode as * const _ as usize } , 20usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( BaseOfCode ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . ImageBase as * const _ as usize } , 24usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( ImageBase ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . SectionAlignment as * const _ as usize } , 32usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( SectionAlignment ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . FileAlignment as * const _ as usize } , 36usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( FileAlignment ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . MajorOperatingSystemVersion as * const _ as usize } , 40usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( MajorOperatingSystemVersion ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . MinorOperatingSystemVersion as * const _ as usize } , 42usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( MinorOperatingSystemVersion ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . MajorImageVersion as * const _ as usize } , 44usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( MajorImageVersion ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . MinorImageVersion as * const _ as usize } , 46usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( MinorImageVersion ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . MajorSubsystemVersion as * const _ as usize } , 48usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( MajorSubsystemVersion ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . MinorSubsystemVersion as * const _ as usize } , 50usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( MinorSubsystemVersion ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . Win32VersionValue as * const _ as usize } , 52usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Win32VersionValue ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . SizeOfImage as * const _ as usize } , 56usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( SizeOfImage ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . SizeOfHeaders as * const _ as usize } , 60usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( SizeOfHeaders ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . CheckSum as * const _ as usize } , 64usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( CheckSum ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . Subsystem as * const _ as usize } , 68usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Subsystem ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . DllCharacteristics as * const _ as usize } , 70usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( DllCharacteristics ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . SizeOfStackReserve as * const _ as usize } , 72usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( SizeOfStackReserve ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . SizeOfStackCommit as * const _ as usize } , 80usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( SizeOfStackCommit ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . SizeOfHeapReserve as * const _ as usize } , 88usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( SizeOfHeapReserve ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . SizeOfHeapCommit as * const _ as usize } , 96usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( SizeOfHeapCommit ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . LoaderFlags as * const _ as usize } , 104usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( LoaderFlags ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . NumberOfRvaAndSizes as * const _ as usize } , 108usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( NumberOfRvaAndSizes ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 > ( ) ) ) . DataDirectory as * const _ as usize } , 112usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( DataDirectory ) ) ) ; } pub type IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 = _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 ; # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Default , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 { pub Signature : u32 , pub FileHeader : IMAGE_FILE_HEADER , pub OptionalHeader : IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout__IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 > ( ) , 264usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 > ( ) ) ) . Signature as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Signature ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 > ( ) ) ) . FileHeader as * const _ as usize } , 4usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( FileHeader ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 > ( ) ) ) . OptionalHeader as * const _ as usize } , 24usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( OptionalHeader ) ) ) ; } pub type IMAGE_NT_HEADERS = _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 ; # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Default , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct _PEB { pub InheritedAddressSpace : u8 , pub ReadImageFileExecOptions : u8 , pub BeingFebugged : u8 , pub BitField : u8 , pub Padding0 : [ u8 ; 4usize ] , pub Mutant : u64 , pub ImageBaseAddress : u64 , pub Ldr : u64 , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout__PEB ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < _PEB > ( ) , 32usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( _PEB ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < _PEB > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( _PEB ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB > ( ) ) ) . InheritedAddressSpace as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB ) , "::" , stringify ! ( InheritedAddressSpace ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB > ( ) ) ) . ReadImageFileExecOptions as * const _ as usize } , 1usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB ) , "::" , stringify ! ( ReadImageFileExecOptions ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB > ( ) ) ) . BeingFebugged as * const _ as usize } , 2usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB ) , "::" , stringify ! ( BeingFebugged ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB > ( ) ) ) . BitField as * const _ as usize } , 3usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB ) , "::" , stringify ! ( BitField ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB > ( ) ) ) . Padding0 as * const _ as usize } , 4usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Padding0 ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB > ( ) ) ) . Mutant as * const _ as usize } , 8usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Mutant ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB > ( ) ) ) . ImageBaseAddress as * const _ as usize } , 16usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB ) , "::" , stringify ! ( ImageBaseAddress ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB > ( ) ) ) . Ldr as * const _ as usize } , 24usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Ldr ) ) ) ; } pub type PEB = _PEB ; # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Default , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct _PEB32 { pub InheritedAddressSpace : u8 , pub ReadImageFileExecOptions : u8 , pub BeingFebugged : u8 , pub BitField : u8 , pub Mutant : u32 , pub ImageBaseAddress : u32 , pub Ldr : u32 , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout__PEB32 ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < _PEB32 > ( ) , 16usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( _PEB32 ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < _PEB32 > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( _PEB32 ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB32 > ( ) ) ) . InheritedAddressSpace as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB32 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( InheritedAddressSpace ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB32 > ( ) ) ) . ReadImageFileExecOptions as * const _ as usize } , 1usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB32 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( ReadImageFileExecOptions ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB32 > ( ) ) ) . BeingFebugged as * const _ as usize } , 2usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB32 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( BeingFebugged ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB32 > ( ) ) ) . BitField as * const _ as usize } , 3usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB32 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( BitField ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB32 > ( ) ) ) . Mutant as * const _ as usize } , 4usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB32 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Mutant ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB32 > ( ) ) ) . ImageBaseAddress as * const _ as usize } , 8usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB32 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( ImageBaseAddress ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < _PEB32 > ( ) ) ) . Ldr as * const _ as usize } , 12usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( _PEB32 ) , "::" , stringify ! ( Ldr ) ) ) ; } pub type PEB32 = _PEB32 ; # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Default , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WinOffsets { pub apl : i64 , pub session : i64 , pub stackCount : i64 , pub imageFileName : i64 , pub dirBase : i64 , pub peb : i64 , pub peb32 : i64 , pub threadListHead : i64 , pub threadListEntry : i64 , pub teb : i64 , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_WinOffsets ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < WinOffsets > ( ) , 80usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < WinOffsets > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinOffsets > ( ) ) ) . apl as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) , "::" , stringify ! ( apl ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinOffsets > ( ) ) ) . session as * const _ as usize } , 8usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) , "::" , stringify ! ( session ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinOffsets > ( ) ) ) . stackCount as * const _ as usize } , 16usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) , "::" , stringify ! ( stackCount ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinOffsets > ( ) ) ) . imageFileName as * const _ as usize } , 24usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) , "::" , stringify ! ( imageFileName ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinOffsets > ( ) ) ) . dirBase as * const _ as usize } , 32usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) , "::" , stringify ! ( dirBase ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinOffsets > ( ) ) ) . peb as * const _ as usize } , 40usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) , "::" , stringify ! ( peb ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinOffsets > ( ) ) ) . peb32 as * const _ as usize } , 48usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) , "::" , stringify ! ( peb32 ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinOffsets > ( ) ) ) . threadListHead as * const _ as usize } , 56usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) , "::" , stringify ! ( threadListHead ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinOffsets > ( ) ) ) . threadListEntry as * const _ as usize } , 64usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) , "::" , stringify ! ( threadListEntry ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinOffsets > ( ) ) ) . teb as * const _ as usize } , 72usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinOffsets ) , "::" , stringify ! ( teb ) ) ) ; } # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WinProc { pub process : u64 , pub physProcess : u64 , pub dirBase : u64 , pub pid : u64 , pub name : * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_WinProc ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < WinProc > ( ) , 36usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( WinProc ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < WinProc > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( WinProc ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinProc > ( ) ) ) . process as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinProc ) , "::" , stringify ! ( process ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinProc > ( ) ) ) . physProcess as * const _ as usize } , 8usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinProc ) , "::" , stringify ! ( physProcess ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinProc > ( ) ) ) . dirBase as * const _ as usize } , 16usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinProc ) , "::" , stringify ! ( dirBase ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinProc > ( ) ) ) . pid as * const _ as usize } , 24usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinProc ) , "::" , stringify ! ( pid ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinProc > ( ) ) ) . name as * const _ as usize } , 32usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinProc ) , "::" , stringify ! ( name ) ) ) ; } impl Default for WinProc { fn default ( ) -> Self { unsafe { :: std :: mem :: zeroed ( ) } } } # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WinProcList { pub list : * mut WinProc , pub size : size_t , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_WinProcList ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < WinProcList > ( ) , 8usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( WinProcList ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < WinProcList > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( WinProcList ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinProcList > ( ) ) ) . list as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinProcList ) , "::" , stringify ! ( list ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinProcList > ( ) ) ) . size as * const _ as usize } , 4usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinProcList ) , "::" , stringify ! ( size ) ) ) ; } impl Default for WinProcList { fn default ( ) -> Self { unsafe { :: std :: mem :: zeroed ( ) } } } # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WinExport { pub name : * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , pub address : u64 , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_WinExport ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < WinExport > ( ) , 12usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( WinExport ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < WinExport > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( WinExport ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinExport > ( ) ) ) . name as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinExport ) , "::" , stringify ! ( name ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinExport > ( ) ) ) . address as * const _ as usize } , 4usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinExport ) , "::" , stringify ! ( address ) ) ) ; } impl Default for WinExport { fn default ( ) -> Self { unsafe { :: std :: mem :: zeroed ( ) } } } # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WinExportList { pub list : * mut WinExport , pub size : size_t , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_WinExportList ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < WinExportList > ( ) , 8usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( WinExportList ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < WinExportList > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( WinExportList ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinExportList > ( ) ) ) . list as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinExportList ) , "::" , stringify ! ( list ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinExportList > ( ) ) ) . size as * const _ as usize } , 4usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinExportList ) , "::" , stringify ! ( size ) ) ) ; } impl Default for WinExportList { fn default ( ) -> Self { unsafe { :: std :: mem :: zeroed ( ) } } } # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WinModule { pub baseAddress : u64 , pub entryPoint : u64 , pub sizeOfModule : u64 , pub name : * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , pub loadCount : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_short , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_WinModule ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < WinModule > ( ) , 32usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( WinModule ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < WinModule > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( WinModule ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinModule > ( ) ) ) . baseAddress as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinModule ) , "::" , stringify ! ( baseAddress ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinModule > ( ) ) ) . entryPoint as * const _ as usize } , 8usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinModule ) , "::" , stringify ! ( entryPoint ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinModule > ( ) ) ) . sizeOfModule as * const _ as usize } , 16usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinModule ) , "::" , stringify ! ( sizeOfModule ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinModule > ( ) ) ) . name as * const _ as usize } , 24usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinModule ) , "::" , stringify ! ( name ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinModule > ( ) ) ) . loadCount as * const _ as usize } , 28usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinModule ) , "::" , stringify ! ( loadCount ) ) ) ; } impl Default for WinModule { fn default ( ) -> Self { unsafe { :: std :: mem :: zeroed ( ) } } } # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WinModuleList { pub list : * mut WinModule , pub size : size_t , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_WinModuleList ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < WinModuleList > ( ) , 8usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( WinModuleList ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < WinModuleList > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( WinModuleList ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinModuleList > ( ) ) ) . list as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinModuleList ) , "::" , stringify ! ( list ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinModuleList > ( ) ) ) . size as * const _ as usize } , 4usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinModuleList ) , "::" , stringify ! ( size ) ) ) ; } impl Default for WinModuleList { fn default ( ) -> Self { unsafe { :: std :: mem :: zeroed ( ) } } } # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WinCtx { pub process : ProcessData , pub offsets : WinOffsets , pub ntKernel : u64 , pub ntVersion : u16 , pub ntBuild : u32 , pub ntExports : WinExportList , pub initialProcess : WinProc , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_WinCtx ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < WinCtx > ( ) , 160usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( WinCtx ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < WinCtx > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( WinCtx ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinCtx > ( ) ) ) . process as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinCtx ) , "::" , stringify ! ( process ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinCtx > ( ) ) ) . offsets as * const _ as usize } , 20usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinCtx ) , "::" , stringify ! ( offsets ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinCtx > ( ) ) ) . ntKernel as * const _ as usize } , 100usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinCtx ) , "::" , stringify ! ( ntKernel ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinCtx > ( ) ) ) . ntVersion as * const _ as usize } , 108usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinCtx ) , "::" , stringify ! ( ntVersion ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinCtx > ( ) ) ) . ntBuild as * const _ as usize } , 112usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinCtx ) , "::" , stringify ! ( ntBuild ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinCtx > ( ) ) ) . ntExports as * const _ as usize } , 116usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinCtx ) , "::" , stringify ! ( ntExports ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WinCtx > ( ) ) ) . initialProcess as * const _ as usize } , 124usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WinCtx ) , "::" , stringify ! ( initialProcess ) ) ) ; } impl Default for WinCtx { fn default ( ) -> Self { unsafe { :: std :: mem :: zeroed ( ) } } } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Initialize the vmread context" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param ctx context to be initialized" ] # [ doc = " @param pid target process ID" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " Initialize ctx by using pid. If pid is 0," ] # [ doc = " the function tries to determine it automatically." ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " 0 if initialization was successful;" ] # [ doc = " otherwise, the return value is an error value." ] pub fn InitializeContext ( ctx : * mut WinCtx , pid : pid_t ) -> :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Free the vmread context" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param ctx context to free" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " It frees all the data inside the ctx making it free to be disposed" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Always 0" ] pub fn FreeContext ( ctx : * mut WinCtx ) -> :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Get the NT header of a module" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param ctx vmread context" ] # [ doc = " @param process target process" ] # [ doc = " @param address base address of the target module" ] # [ doc = " @param header buffer to read the header to" ] # [ doc = " @param is64Bit flag that returns if the module is 64-bit" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " header has to be at least one page long, and @is64Bit can not be NULL." ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Pointer to the NT header, if it was found;" ] # [ doc = " otherwise @c NULL" ] pub fn GetNTHeader ( ctx : * const WinCtx , process : * const WinProc , address : u64 , header : * mut u8 , is64Bit : * mut u8 ) -> * mut IMAGE_NT_HEADERS ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Parse module export table, writing them to the export list" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param ctx vmread context" ] # [ doc = " @param process target process" ] # [ doc = " @param moduleBase base address of the module" ] # [ doc = " @param exports address to the export table (parsed from the header)" ] # [ doc = " @param outList the list that gets the data written to" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " 0 on success;" ] # [ doc = " Otherwise a positive error number indicating stage of the failure" ] pub fn ParseExportTable ( ctx : * const WinCtx , process : * const WinProc , moduleBase : u64 , exports : * mut IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY , outList : * mut WinExportList ) -> :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Generate a module export list" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param ctx vmread context" ] # [ doc = " @param process target process" ] # [ doc = " @param moduleBase base address" ] # [ doc = " @param outList the output list" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " 0 on success;" ] # [ doc = " Otherwise either -1, or a positive number indicating stage of the failure" ] pub fn GenerateExportList ( ctx : * const WinCtx , process : * const WinProc , moduleBase : u64 , outList : * mut WinExportList ) -> :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Free the data inside the export list" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param list list to be freed" ] pub fn FreeExportList ( list : WinExportList ) ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Get the address of a module export" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param ctx vmread context" ] # [ doc = " @param process target process" ] # [ doc = " @param module base address of the module" ] # [ doc = " @param procName target export name" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " This function generates an export list and immediately frees it, so it is advised against using it extensively. See GetProcAddress." ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Virtual address of the export, 0, if not found" ] pub fn GetProcAddress ( ctx : * const WinCtx , process : * const WinProc , module : u64 , procName : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> u64 ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Find the proc address inside a given export list" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param exports the list to be searched" ] # [ doc = " @param procName target export name" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Virtual address of the export, 0, if not found" ] pub fn FindProcAddress ( exports : WinExportList , procName : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> u64 ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Generate the list of processes" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param ctx vmread context" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " A structure representing the process list" ] pub fn GenerateProcessList ( ctx : * const WinCtx ) -> WinProcList ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Free the data inside a process list" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param list the list to have its data freed" ] pub fn FreeProcessList ( list : WinProcList ) ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Generate the module list of a process" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param ctx vmread context" ] # [ doc = " @param process target process" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " A structure representing all modules loaded by the given process" ] pub fn GenerateModuleList ( ctx : * const WinCtx , process : * const WinProc ) -> WinModuleList ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief GenerateKernelModuleList" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param ctx vmread context" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " A structure representing all modules loaded by the kernel" ] pub fn GenerateKernelModuleList ( ctx : * const WinCtx ) -> WinModuleList ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Free a given module list" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param list list to have its data freed in" ] pub fn FreeModuleList ( list : WinModuleList ) ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Find the module by a given name" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param list list to perform search in" ] # [ doc = " @param moduleName target module name" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " A pointer to the found module information, @c NULL if not found" ] pub fn GetModuleInfo ( list : WinModuleList , moduleName : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> * const WinModule ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Get the process environment block" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param ctx vmread context" ] # [ doc = " @param process target process" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " Note that there is no error checking in this function. Even though PEB should always exist," ] # [ doc = " the returned data may be garbage" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " The environment block" ] pub fn GetPeb ( ctx : * const WinCtx , process : * const WinProc ) -> PEB ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Get the process environment block (32-bit version)" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param ctx vmread context" ] # [ doc = " @param process target process" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " Note that there is no error checking in this function. Even though PEB should always exist," ] # [ doc = " the returned data may be garbage" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " The environment block" ] pub fn GetPeb32 ( ctx : * const WinCtx , process : * const WinProc ) -> PEB32 ; } # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Default , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct RWInfo { pub local : u64 , pub remote : u64 , pub size : size_t , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_RWInfo ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < RWInfo > ( ) , 20usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( RWInfo ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < RWInfo > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( RWInfo ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < RWInfo > ( ) ) ) . local as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( RWInfo ) , "::" , stringify ! ( local ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < RWInfo > ( ) ) ) . remote as * const _ as usize } , 8usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( RWInfo ) , "::" , stringify ! ( remote ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < RWInfo > ( ) ) ) . size as * const _ as usize } , 16usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( RWInfo ) , "::" , stringify ! ( size ) ) ) ; } # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Default , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct tlb_t { pub tlbHits : size_t , pub tlbMisses : size_t , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_tlb_t ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < tlb_t > ( ) , 8usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( tlb_t ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < tlb_t > ( ) , 4usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( tlb_t ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < tlb_t > ( ) ) ) . tlbHits as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( tlb_t ) , "::" , stringify ! ( tlbHits ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < tlb_t > ( ) ) ) . tlbMisses as * const _ as usize } , 4usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( tlb_t ) , "::" , stringify ! ( tlbMisses ) ) ) ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Read a piece of data in physical VM address space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param local local data address" ] # [ doc = " @param remote remote data address" ] # [ doc = " @param size size of data" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Data moved on success;" ] # [ doc = " -1 otherwise" ] pub fn MemRead ( data : * const ProcessData , local : u64 , remote : u64 , size : size_t ) -> ssize_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Write a piece of data in physical VM address space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param local local data address" ] # [ doc = " @param remote remote data address" ] # [ doc = " @param size size of data" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Data moved on success;" ] # [ doc = " -1 otherwise" ] pub fn MemWrite ( data : * const ProcessData , local : u64 , remote : u64 , size : size_t ) -> ssize_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Read multiple pieces of data in physical VM address space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param info list of information for RW operations" ] # [ doc = " @param num number of info atoms" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Data moved on success;" ] # [ doc = " -1 otherwise" ] pub fn MemReadMul ( data : * const ProcessData , info : * mut RWInfo , num : size_t ) -> ssize_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Write multiple pieces of data in physical VM address space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param info list of information for RW operations" ] # [ doc = " @param num number of info atoms" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Data moved on success;" ] # [ doc = " -1 otherwise" ] pub fn MemWriteMul ( data : * const ProcessData , info : * mut RWInfo , num : size_t ) -> ssize_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Read a unsigned 64-bit integer in virtual VM address space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param dirBase page table directory base of a process" ] # [ doc = " @param remote remote data address" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Read value, undefined on failure" ] pub fn VMemReadU64 ( data : * const ProcessData , dirBase : u64 , remote : u64 ) -> u64 ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Write a unsigned 64-bit integer in virtual VM address space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param dirBase page table directory base of a process" ] # [ doc = " @param remote remote data address" ] # [ doc = " @param value value to be written" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " 8 on success;" ] # [ doc = " -1 on failure" ] pub fn VMemWriteU64 ( data : * const ProcessData , dirBase : u64 , remote : u64 , value : u64 ) -> ssize_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Read a unsigned 64-bit integer in physical VM address space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param remote remote data address" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Read value, undefined on failure" ] pub fn MemReadU64 ( data : * const ProcessData , remote : u64 ) -> u64 ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Write a unsigned 64-bit integer in physical VM address space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param remote remote data address" ] # [ doc = " @param value value to be written" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " 8 on success;" ] # [ doc = " -1 on failure" ] pub fn MemWriteU64 ( data : * const ProcessData , remote : u64 , value : u64 ) -> ssize_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Read data in virtual VM address space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param dirBase page table directory base of a process" ] # [ doc = " @param local local data address" ] # [ doc = " @param remote remote data address" ] # [ doc = " @param size size of data" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Data moved on success;" ] # [ doc = " -1 otherwise" ] pub fn VMemRead ( data : * const ProcessData , dirBase : u64 , local : u64 , remote : u64 , size : size_t ) -> ssize_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Write data in virtual addresss space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param dirBase page table directory base of a process" ] # [ doc = " @param local local data address" ] # [ doc = " @param remote remote data address" ] # [ doc = " @param size size of data" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Data moved on success;" ] # [ doc = " -1 otherwise" ] pub fn VMemWrite ( data : * const ProcessData , dirBase : u64 , local : u64 , remote : u64 , size : size_t ) -> ssize_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Read multiple pieces of data in virtual VM address space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param dirBase page table directory base of a process" ] # [ doc = " @param info list of information for RW operations" ] # [ doc = " @param num number of info atoms" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Data moved on success;" ] # [ doc = " -1 otherwise" ] pub fn VMemReadMul ( data : * const ProcessData , dirBase : u64 , info : * mut RWInfo , num : size_t ) -> ssize_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Write multiple pieces of data in virtual VM address space" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param dirBase page table directory base of a process" ] # [ doc = " @param info list of information for RW operations" ] # [ doc = " @param num number of info atoms" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Data moved on success;" ] # [ doc = " -1 otherwise" ] pub fn VMemWriteMul ( data : * const ProcessData , dirBase : u64 , info : * mut RWInfo , num : size_t ) -> ssize_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Translate a virtual VM address into a physical one" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param dirBase page table directory base of a process" ] # [ doc = " @param address virtual address to translate" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Translated linear address;" ] # [ doc = " 0 otherwise" ] pub fn VTranslate ( data : * const ProcessData , dirBase : u64 , address : u64 ) -> u64 ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Set translation cache validity time in msecs" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param newTime new validity length for a cache entry" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " Defines for how long translation caches (TLB and page buffer) should be valid. Higher values lead to higher" ] # [ doc = " performance, but could potentially lead to incorrect translation if the page tables update in that period." ] # [ doc = " Especially dangerous if write operations are to be performed." ] pub fn SetMemCacheTime ( newTime : size_t ) ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Get the default cache validity" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " Default cache validity time" ] pub fn GetDefaultMemCacheTime ( ) -> size_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Retrieve current thread's TLB" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " Memory TLB utilizes thread local storage to make the code concurrant. However, it might be beneficial to" ] # [ doc = " access the TLB structure to verify its entries asynchronously during idle. This allows to access the" ] # [ doc = " said TLB to do just that." ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @return" ] # [ doc = " TLB of the running thread" ] pub fn GetTlb ( ) -> * mut tlb_t ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Verify the TLB entries" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param data VM process data" ] # [ doc = " @param tlb TLB structure to verify" ] # [ doc = " @param splitCount how many splits there are" ] # [ doc = " @param splitID which slice to verify" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " This allows to verify the TLB structure before initializing a round of memory operations. Useful when the" ] # [ doc = " same memory addresses are being accessed in a loop with some delay. During the said delay we could verify" ] # [ doc = " the TLB structure in (optionally) multithreaded way to make the memory operations fast." ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " splitCount allows us to split the TLB entries to verify to separate threads. Passing 1 to splitCount makes" ] # [ doc = " the function verify the entirety of TLB (single-threaded scenario)" ] pub fn VerifyTlb ( data : * const ProcessData , tlb : * mut tlb_t , splitCount : size_t , splitID : size_t ) ; } extern "C" { # [ doc = " @brief Flush all TLB entries" ] # [ doc = "" ] # [ doc = " @param tlb TLB structure to flush" ] # [ doc = "" ] pub fn FlushTlb ( tlb : * mut tlb_t ) ; }