Trait vma::Alloc

source ·
pub trait Alloc {
    // Required methods
    fn allocator(&self) -> &Allocator;
    fn pool(&self) -> PoolHandle;

    // Provided methods
    unsafe fn find_memory_type_index(
        memory_type_bits: u32,
        allocation_info: &AllocationCreateInfo
    ) -> VkResult<u32> { ... }
    unsafe fn find_memory_type_index_for_buffer_info(
        buffer_info: &BufferCreateInfo,
        allocation_info: &AllocationCreateInfo
    ) -> VkResult<u32> { ... }
    unsafe fn find_memory_type_index_for_image_info(
        image_info: ImageCreateInfo,
        allocation_info: &AllocationCreateInfo
    ) -> VkResult<u32> { ... }
    unsafe fn allocate_memory(
        memory_requirements: &MemoryRequirements,
        create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo
    ) -> VkResult<Allocation> { ... }
    unsafe fn allocate_memory_pages(
        memory_requirements: &MemoryRequirements,
        create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo,
        allocation_count: usize
    ) -> VkResult<Vec<Allocation>> { ... }
    unsafe fn allocate_memory_for_buffer(
        buffer: Buffer,
        create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo
    ) -> VkResult<Allocation> { ... }
    unsafe fn allocate_memory_for_image(
        image: Image,
        create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo
    ) -> VkResult<Allocation> { ... }
    unsafe fn create_buffer(
        buffer_info: &BufferCreateInfo,
        create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo
    ) -> VkResult<(Buffer, Allocation)> { ... }
    unsafe fn create_buffer_with_alignment(
        buffer_info: &BufferCreateInfo,
        create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo,
        min_alignment: DeviceSize
    ) -> VkResult<(Buffer, Allocation)> { ... }
    unsafe fn create_image(
        image_info: &ImageCreateInfo,
        create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo
    ) -> VkResult<(Image, Allocation)> { ... }

Required Methods§

Provided Methods§


unsafe fn find_memory_type_index( &self, memory_type_bits: u32, allocation_info: &AllocationCreateInfo ) -> VkResult<u32>

Helps to find memory type index, given memory type bits and allocation info.

This algorithm tries to find a memory type that:

  • Is allowed by memory type bits.
  • Contains all the flags from allocation_info.required_flags.
  • Matches intended usage.
  • Has as many flags from allocation_info.preferred_flags as possible.

Returns ash::vk::Result::ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT if not found. Receiving such a result from this function or any other allocating function probably means that your device doesn’t support any memory type with requested features for the specific type of resource you want to use it for. Please check parameters of your resource, like image layout (OPTIMAL versus LINEAR) or mip level count.


unsafe fn find_memory_type_index_for_buffer_info( &self, buffer_info: &BufferCreateInfo, allocation_info: &AllocationCreateInfo ) -> VkResult<u32>

Helps to find memory type index, given buffer info and allocation info.

It can be useful e.g. to determine value to be used as AllocatorPoolCreateInfo::memory_type_index. It internally creates a temporary, dummy buffer that never has memory bound. It is just a convenience function, equivalent to calling:

  • ash::vk::Device::create_buffer
  • ash::vk::Device::get_buffer_memory_requirements
  • Allocator::find_memory_type_index
  • ash::vk::Device::destroy_buffer

unsafe fn find_memory_type_index_for_image_info( &self, image_info: ImageCreateInfo, allocation_info: &AllocationCreateInfo ) -> VkResult<u32>

Helps to find memory type index, given image info and allocation info.

It can be useful e.g. to determine value to be used as AllocatorPoolCreateInfo::memory_type_index. It internally creates a temporary, dummy image that never has memory bound. It is just a convenience function, equivalent to calling:

  • ash::vk::Device::create_image
  • ash::vk::Device::get_image_memory_requirements
  • Allocator::find_memory_type_index
  • ash::vk::Device::destroy_image

unsafe fn allocate_memory( &self, memory_requirements: &MemoryRequirements, create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo ) -> VkResult<Allocation>

General purpose memory allocation.

You should free the memory using Allocator::free_memory or ‘Allocator::free_memory_pages’.

It is recommended to use Allocator::allocate_memory_for_buffer, Allocator::allocate_memory_for_image, Allocator::create_buffer, Allocator::create_image instead whenever possible.


unsafe fn allocate_memory_pages( &self, memory_requirements: &MemoryRequirements, create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo, allocation_count: usize ) -> VkResult<Vec<Allocation>>

General purpose memory allocation for multiple allocation objects at once.

You should free the memory using Allocator::free_memory or Allocator::free_memory_pages.

Word “pages” is just a suggestion to use this function to allocate pieces of memory needed for sparse binding. It is just a general purpose allocation function able to make multiple allocations at once. It may be internally optimized to be more efficient than calling Allocator::allocate_memory allocations.len() times.

All allocations are made using same parameters. All of them are created out of the same memory pool and type.


unsafe fn allocate_memory_for_buffer( &self, buffer: Buffer, create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo ) -> VkResult<Allocation>

Buffer specialized memory allocation.

You should free the memory using Allocator::free_memory or ‘Allocator::free_memory_pages’.


unsafe fn allocate_memory_for_image( &self, image: Image, create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo ) -> VkResult<Allocation>

Image specialized memory allocation.

You should free the memory using Allocator::free_memory or ‘Allocator::free_memory_pages’.


unsafe fn create_buffer( &self, buffer_info: &BufferCreateInfo, create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo ) -> VkResult<(Buffer, Allocation)>

This function automatically creates a buffer, allocates appropriate memory for it, and binds the buffer with the memory.

If the function succeeded, you must destroy both buffer and allocation when you no longer need them using either convenience function Allocator::destroy_buffer or separately, using ash::Device::destroy_buffer and Allocator::free_memory.

If AllocatorCreateFlags::KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION flag was used, VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension is used internally to query driver whether it requires or prefers the new buffer to have dedicated allocation. If yes, and if dedicated allocation is possible (AllocationCreateInfo::pool is null and AllocationCreateFlags::NEVER_ALLOCATE is not used), it creates dedicated allocation for this buffer, just like when using AllocationCreateFlags::DEDICATED_MEMORY.


unsafe fn create_buffer_with_alignment( &self, buffer_info: &BufferCreateInfo, create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo, min_alignment: DeviceSize ) -> VkResult<(Buffer, Allocation)>

brief Creates a buffer with additional minimum alignment.

Similar to vmaCreateBuffer() but provides additional parameter minAlignment which allows to specify custom, minimum alignment to be used when placing the buffer inside a larger memory block, which may be needed e.g. for interop with OpenGL.


unsafe fn create_image( &self, image_info: &ImageCreateInfo, create_info: &AllocationCreateInfo ) -> VkResult<(Image, Allocation)>

This function automatically creates an image, allocates appropriate memory for it, and binds the image with the memory.

If the function succeeded, you must destroy both image and allocation when you no longer need them using either convenience function Allocator::destroy_image or separately, using ash::Device::destroy_image and Allocator::free_memory.

If AllocatorCreateFlags::KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION flag was used, VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation extension is used internally to query driver whether it requires or prefers the new image to have dedicated allocation. If yes, and if dedicated allocation is possible (AllocationCreateInfo::pool is null and AllocationCreateFlags::NEVER_ALLOCATE is not used), it creates dedicated allocation for this image, just like when using AllocationCreateFlags::DEDICATED_MEMORY.

If VK_ERROR_VALIDAITON_FAILED_EXT is returned, VMA may have encountered a problem that is not caught by the validation layers. One example is if you try to create a 0x0 image, a panic will occur and VK_ERROR_VALIDAITON_FAILED_EXT is thrown.
