pub unsafe extern "C" fn vmaFlushAllocations(
    allocator: VmaAllocator,
    allocationCount: u32,
    allocations: *mut VmaAllocation,
    offsets: *const DeviceSize,
    sizes: *const DeviceSize
) -> Result
Expand description

\brief Flushes memory of given set of allocations.

Calls vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges() for memory associated with given ranges of given allocations. For more information, see documentation of vmaFlushAllocation().

\param allocator \param allocationCount \param allocations \param offsets If not null, it must point to an array of offsets of regions to flush, relative to the beginning of respective allocations. Null means all ofsets are zero. \param sizes If not null, it must point to an array of sizes of regions to flush in respective allocations. Null means VK_WHOLE_SIZE for all allocations.

This function returns the VkResult from vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges if it is called, otherwise VK_SUCCESS.