Crate vivisect

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Implements a simple parser and extractor for a Unix Archive.
Binary container size information and byte-order context
The generic ELF module, which gives access to ELF constants and other helper functions, which are independent of ELF bithood. Also defines an Elf struct which implements a unified parser that returns a wrapped Elf64 or Elf32 binary.
The ELF 32-bit struct definitions and associated values, re-exported for easy “type-punning”
The ELF 64-bit struct definitions and associated values, re-exported for easy “type-punning”
A custom Goblin error
The Mach-o, mostly zero-copy, binary format parser and raw struct definitions
A PE32 and PE32+ parser
A byte-offset based string table. Commonly used in ELF binaries, Unix archives, and even PE binaries.


Information obtained from a peek Hint


A hint at the underlying binary format for 16 bytes of arbitrary data
A parseable object that we understands


Peeks at the underlying Read object. Requires the underlying bytes to have at least 16 byte length. Resets the seek to Start after reading.
Peeks at bytes, and returns a Hint