
pub use bound::Bound;
pub use bound::BoundingRect;
pub use bound::BoundStat;
pub use disjoint_sets::Forests;


Functions to compute and manipulate bounding rectangles

Algorithm to cluster a binary image

Algorithm to cluster a color image and build a tree of clusters

Contains functions and data structures for partitioning items into groups.

Path simplification algorithms adapted from


An artificial object that have a shape and a position in space

Morphologically transforms a shape into another

Image with 1 bit per pixel

The bitvector type.

RGBA; each channel is 8 bit unsigned

RGB; each channel is 64 bit float

HSV; each channel is 64 bit float

RGB; each channel is 32 bit signed

Image with 4 bytes per pixel

Iterate over each pixel of ColorImage

Simple statistics of color samples

Compute simple statistics from color samples

RGBA; each channel is 32 bit unsigned

A collection of Path and Spline that represents a shape with holes

Vec<T> that represents a 2D field

Matrix operations adapted from

Path of generic points in 2D space

Walks the boundary of a BinaryImage with straight run optimization

A perspective transform can easily be used to map one 2D quadrilateral to another, given the corner coordinates for the source and destination quadrilaterals.

Generic point in 2D space

Equivalent to a Homothetic transform

Sample statistics: (mean, mode, median and standard deviation)

Class to calculate SampleStat

For sampling and resizing binary images

Generalization of 2D array of pixels with any Item

A conceptual object represented by an image

Simple statistics: (mean and standard deviation)

Class to calculate SimpleStat

The skeleton of a binary image (aka medial axis)

Walks a square region in a spiral (clockwise; assuming top-left origin) manner, starting from the center

Series of connecting 2D Bezier Curves

A data structure to efficiently compute summed pixel values over regions in an image (repeatedly).


Color names

An element of a CompoundPath


Transformation of coordinate in space


Type Definitions

Image with grayscale values

Component of MonoImage

Path of 2D PointF64

Path of 2D PointI32

2D Point with f32 component

2D Point with f64 component

2D Point with i32 component

2D Point with u8 component

2D Point with usize component