Crate vipers[][src]

Expand description

Library for writing safer Solana programs.


Various assertions.

Various program IDs.

Validations for accounts.


Asserts that the ATA is the one of the given owner/mint.

Asserts that the given anchor_spl::token::TokenAccount is an associated token account.

Asserts that two accounts share the same key.

Asserts that an account is owned by the given program.

Asserts that the given account matches the program id.

Require or return a solana_program::program_error::ProgramError, logging the string representation to the program log.

Returns the given error as a program error.

Tries to unwrap the Result, otherwise returns the error

Unwraps the result of a checked integer operation.

Ensures an Option can be unwrapped, otherwise returns the error


Vipers validation error.


The static program ID


Confirms that a given pubkey is equivalent to the program ID

Returns the program ID

Validates a derived program address.

Type Definitions

Anchor generated Result to be used as the return type for the program.