Crate vimwiki_core[−][src]
iter | |
vendor |
Anchor | Represents an anchor |
Blockquote | |
CellPos | Represents the position of a cell in a table |
CodeBlock | |
CodeInline | |
DefinitionList | Represents a list of terms and definitions, where a term can have multiple definitions associated with it |
DefinitionListValue | Represents the newtype used for terms & definitions |
Divider | |
Header | |
InlineElementContainer | Represents a convenience wrapper around a series of inline elements |
LineComment | |
LinkData | Represents data for a link to some content, described through a combination of a URI reference and some arbitrary description |
List | Represents a regular list comprised of individual items |
ListItem | Represents an item in a list |
ListItemAttributes | Represents additional attributes associated with a list item |
ListItemContents | Represents a collection of list item content |
Located | Represents an encapsulation of a language element and its location within some string/file |
MathBlock | |
MathInline | |
MultiLineComment | |
Page | Represents a full page containing different elements |
Paragraph | |
ParseError | Represents an encapsulated error that is encountered |
Region | Represents a region in a string or file, comprised of a start and end |
Table | |
Tag | Represents a single tag |
Tags | Represents a sequence of one or more tags |
Text | Represents plain text with no decorations or inline elements |
BlockElement | Represents elements that are standalone (metaphorically a block element in CSS) |
Cell | Represents a cell within a table that is either content, span (indicating that another cell fills this cell), or a column alignment indicator |
CellSpan | |
ColumnAlign | |
Comment | |
DecoratedText | Represents text (series of content) with a typeface decoration |
DecoratedTextContent | Represents content that can be contained within a decoration |
Description | Represents a description for a link |
Element | Represents a |
InlineBlockElement | Represents a some element that is a descendant of a |
InlineElement | Represents elements that can be dropped into other elements |
Keyword | Represents special keywords that have unique syntax highlighting |
Language | Represents a raw, unparsed representation of some language (vimwiki, markdown, mediawiki) |
Link | Represents some kind of link in a document |
ListItemContent | Represents some content associated with a list item, either being an inline element or a new sublist |
ListItemSuffix | Represents a suffix such as . or ) used after beginning of list item |
ListItemTodoStatus | Represents the todo status for a list item |
ListItemType | |
OrderedListItemType | Represents the type associated with an ordered item |
ParseCellPosError | |
Placeholder | |
UnorderedListItemType | Represents the type associated with an unordered item |
AsChildrenMutSlice | Represents a trait that provides the ability to get the children of an element as a mut slice |
AsChildrenSlice | Represents a trait that provides the ability to get the children of an element as a slice |
FromLanguage | Parse a value from a |
IntoChildren | Represents a trait that provides the ability to get the children of an element through a consuming conversion |
Output | Represents the ability to convert some data into some other output form |
StrictEq | Represents an equality check that is considered strict. In the case of
a |
Type Definitions
Definition | Represents the type alias used for a single definition |
Term | Represents the type alias used for a single term |