[][src]Module vikos::tutorial

A short tutorial on how to use vikos to solve the problem of supervised machine learning: We want to predict values for a quantity (the target), and we have some data that we can base our inference on (features). We have a data set (a history), that consists of features and corresponding, true target values, so that we have a base to learn about how the target relates to the feature data. To do this we choose a function which relates the features to the target (the model). This model depends on coefficients which are determined using a training algorithm and the history. (teacher).


Look, a bunch of data! Let us do something with it.

let history = [
   (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (3.5, 4.0),
   (5.0, 7.0), (5.5, 8.0), (7.0, 11.0),
   (16.0, 29.0)

The first elements of each tuple represent our feature vector, the second elements represents the true (observed) target value (aka the truth). We want to use a Training to find the coefficients of a Model which minimizes a Cost function. Let us start with finding the mean value of the truth.

Estimating the mean target value

use vikos::{cost, teacher, learn_history};
// mean is 9, but of course we do not know that yet
let history = [
   (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (3.5, 4.0),
   (5.0, 7.0), (5.5, 8.0), (7.0, 11.0),
   (16.0, 29.0)

// The mean is just a simple number ...
let mut model = 0.0;
// ... which minimizes the square error
let cost = cost::LeastSquares {};
// Use stochastic gradient descent with an annealed learning rate
let teacher = teacher::GradientDescentAl { l0: 0.3, t: 4.0 };
// Train 100 (admittedly repetitive) events
              &mut model,
// Since we know the model's type is `f64`, we can just print it
println!("{}", model);

As far as the mean is concerned, the first element of each tuple, i.e., the feature, is just ignored. We use the map expression to replace it with an empty tuple '()' to show that this model does not use features

Estimating the median target value

If we want to estimate the median instead, we only need to change our cost function, to that of an absolute error:

use vikos::{cost, teacher, learn_history};
let history = [
   (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (3.5, 4.0),
   (5.0, 7.0), (5.5, 8.0), (7.0, 11.0),
   (16.0, 29.0)
// median is 7, but we don't know that yet of course

// The median is just a simple number ...
let mut model = 0.0;
// ... which minimizes the absolute error
let cost = cost::LeastAbsoluteDeviation {};
let teacher = teacher::GradientDescentAl { l0: 1.0, t: 9.0 };
              &mut model,

Most notably we changed the cost function to train for the median. We also had to increase our learning rate to be able to converge to 7 more quickly. Maybe we should try a slightly more sophisticated Teacher algorithm.

Estimating median again

use vikos::{cost, teacher, learn_history};
// median is 7, but of course we do not know that yet
let history = [
   (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (3.5, 4.0),
   (5.0, 7.0), (5.5, 8.0), (7.0, 11.0),
   (16.0, 29.0)

// The median is just a simple number ...
let mut model = 0.0;
// ... which minimizes the absolute error
let cost = cost::LeastAbsoluteDeviation {};
// Use stochasic gradient descent with an annealed learning rate and momentum
let teacher = teacher::Momentum {
    l0: 1.0,
    t: 3.0,
    inertia: 0.9,
              &mut model,
println!("{}", model);

The momentum term allowed us to drop our learning rate way quicker and to retrieve a more precise result in the same number of iterations. The algorithms and their parameters are not the point however — the important thing is we could switch them quite easily and independently of both cost function and model. Speaking of which: it is time to fit a straight line through our data points.

Line of best fit

We now use a linear model

use vikos::{model, cost, teacher, learn_history, Model};
// Best described by 2 * m - 3
let history = [
   (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (3.5, 4.0),
   (5.0, 7.0), (5.5, 8.0), (7.0, 11.0),
   (16.0, 29.0)

let mut model = model::Linear { m: 0.0, c: 0.0 };
let cost = cost::LeastSquares {};
let teacher = teacher::Momentum {
    l0: 0.0001,
    t: 1000.0,
    inertia: 0.99,
              &mut model,
for &(input, truth) in history.iter() {
    println!("Input: {}, Truth: {}, Prediction: {}",
println!("slope: {}, intercept: {}", model.m, model.c);

Note the use of the Model trait to predict the target based the input.


Using Vikos, we can build a machine-learning model by composing implementations of three aspects:

  • the expert algorithm describes how features and target relate to each other using an Model trait and which also specifies what kind of estimated parameters/coefficients mediate among the target and the feature space (Model), the model is fitted by
  • the training algorithm, modelled with the Teacher trait, that contains the optimization algorithm minimizing the model coefficients.
  • the Cost "function" describes the function that should be minimized by the algorithm.