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Lightweight parsing for Rust proc macros

Venial is a WIP parser for Rust proc macros.

When writing proc macros that need to parse Rust code (such as attribute and derive macros), the most common solution is to use the syn crate. Syn can parse arbitrary valid Rust code, and even Rust-based DSLs, and return versatile data structures that can inspected and mutated in powerful ways.

It’s also extremely heavy. In one analysis of lqd’s early 2022 benchmark collection, the author estimates that syn is reponsible for 8% of compile times of the benchmark, which accounts for Rust’s most popular crates. There are subtleties (eg this isn’t necessarily critical path time, but syn is often in the critical path anyway), but the overall takeaway is clear: syn is expensive.

And yet, a lot of the power of syn is often unneeded. If we look at the crates that depend on syn, we can see that the 5 most downloaded are:

  • serde_derive
  • proc-macro-hack
  • pin-project-internal
  • anyhow
  • thiserror-impl

Of these, proc-macro-hack is deprecated, and the other four only need to parse basic information on a type.

Other popular reverse-dependencies of syn (such as futures-macro, tokios-macros, async-trait, etc) do use syn’s more advanced features, but there’s still room for a lightweight parser in proc-macros.

Venial is that parser.


use venial::{parse_declaration, Declaration};
use quote::quote;

let enum_type = parse_declaration(quote!(
    enum Shape {

let enum_type = match enum_type {
    Ok(Declaration::Enum(enum_type)) => enum_type,
    _ => unreachable!(),

assert_eq!(enum_type.variants[0].0.name, "Square");
assert_eq!(enum_type.variants[1].0.name, "Circle");
assert_eq!(enum_type.variants[2].0.name, "Triangle");


An outer attribute.

Declaration of an enum.

The individual variant of an Enum.

The value of an EnumVariant, normally for c-like enums.

Convenient error type for displaying errors in your macros to users.

A parameter bound in a type’s generic list.

A parameter in a type’s generic list.

The generic parameters declared right after your type’s name.

A field of a Struct or struct-like EnumVariant.

Comma-separated list of items.

Declaration of a struct.

A field of a tuple Struct or tuple-like EnumVariant.

Type expression in a TupleField or NamedField.

Declaration of an union.

Visibility marker, eg pub, pub(crate), pub(super), etc.

All the stuff that comes after the where keyword.

An item in a where clause


The value of an Attribute.

The declaration of a Rust type.

Fields of a Struct or an EnumVariant.


Parses the token stream of a type declaration.