Struct vega_lite_4::StyleValue

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pub struct StyleValue {
Show 152 fields pub align: Option<TitleAlignUnion>, pub angle: Option<Angle>, pub aria: Option<Aria>, pub aria_role: Option<Box<Color>>, pub aria_role_description: Option<Box<Color>>, pub aspect: Option<Aria>, pub baseline: Option<TextBaseline>, pub bin_spacing: Option<f64>, pub blend: Option<BlendUnion>, pub color: Option<StyleColor>, pub continuous_band_size: Option<f64>, pub corner_radius: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub corner_radius_bottom_left: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub corner_radius_bottom_right: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub corner_radius_top_left: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub corner_radius_top_right: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub cursor: Option<CursorUnion>, pub description: Option<Box<Color>>, pub dir: Option<Dir>, pub discrete_band_size: Option<f64>, pub dx: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub dy: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub ellipsis: Option<Box<Color>>, pub end_angle: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub fill: Option<StyleFill>, pub filled: Option<bool>, pub fill_opacity: Option<Opacity>, pub font: Option<Box<Color>>, pub font_size: Option<FontSize>, pub font_style: Option<Box<Color>>, pub font_weight: Option<FontWeightUnion>, pub height: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub href: Option<Box<Color>>, pub inner_radius: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub interpolate: Option<MarkConfigExprOrSignalRefInterpolate>, pub invalid: RemovableValue<Invalid>, pub limit: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub line_break: Option<Box<Color>>, pub line_height: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub opacity: Option<Opacity>, pub order: Option<bool>, pub orient: Option<StyleOrient>, pub outer_radius: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub pad_angle: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub radius: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub radius2: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub shape: Option<Box<Color>>, pub size: Option<FontSize>, pub smooth: Option<Aria>, pub start_angle: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub stroke: Option<StyleFill>, pub stroke_cap: Option<Cap>, pub stroke_dash: Option<StrokeDashUnion>, pub stroke_dash_offset: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub stroke_join: Option<StrokeJoinUnion>, pub stroke_miter_limit: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub stroke_offset: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub stroke_opacity: Option<Opacity>, pub stroke_width: Option<FontSize>, pub tension: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub text: Option<ConditionalPredicateValueDefTextExprRefText>, pub theta: Option<Angle>, pub theta2: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub time_unit_band: Option<f64>, pub time_unit_band_position: Option<f64>, pub tooltip: Option<StyleTooltip>, pub url: Option<Box<Color>>, pub width: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub x: Option<XUnion>, pub x2: Option<XUnion>, pub y: Option<YUnion>, pub y2: Option<YUnion>, pub line: Option<Line>, pub point: Option<PointUnion>, pub corner_radius_end: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub band_size: Option<f64>, pub thickness: Option<f64>, pub band_position: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub domain: Option<Aria>, pub domain_cap: Option<Cap>, pub domain_color: Option<Box<Color>>, pub domain_dash: Option<StrokeDashUnion>, pub domain_dash_offset: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub domain_opacity: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub domain_width: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub format: Option<Format>, pub format_type: Option<String>, pub grid: Option<bool>, pub grid_cap: Option<Cap>, pub grid_color: Option<GridColorUnion>, pub grid_dash: Option<AxisGridDash>, pub grid_dash_offset: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>, pub grid_opacity: Option<GridOpacityUnion>, pub grid_width: Option<GridWidthUnion>, pub label_align: Option<ConditionalAxisPropertyAlignNull>, pub label_angle: Option<LabelAngle>, pub label_baseline: Option<PurpleTextBaseline>, pub label_bound: Option<Label>, pub label_color: Option<GridColorUnion>, pub label_expr: Option<String>, pub label_flush: Option<LabelFlush>, pub label_flush_offset: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub label_font: Option<ConditionalAxisPropertyStringNull>, pub label_font_size: Option<GridWidthUnion>, pub label_font_style: Option<ConditionalAxisPropertyFontStyleNull>, pub label_font_weight: Option<FontWeight>, pub label_limit: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub label_line_height: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub label_offset: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>, pub label_opacity: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>, pub label_overlap: Option<LabelOverlapUnion>, pub label_padding: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>, pub labels: Option<Aria>, pub label_separation: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub max_extent: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub min_extent: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub offset: Option<f64>, pub position: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub style: Option<LegendText>, pub tick_band: Option<TickBandUnion>, pub tick_cap: Option<Cap>, pub tick_color: Option<GridColorUnion>, pub tick_count: Option<TickCount>, pub tick_dash: Option<AxisTickDash>, pub tick_dash_offset: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>, pub tick_extra: Option<Aria>, pub tick_min_step: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub tick_offset: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub tick_opacity: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>, pub tick_round: Option<Aria>, pub ticks: Option<Aria>, pub tick_size: Option<GridWidthUnion>, pub tick_width: Option<GridWidthUnion>, pub title: RemovableValue<LegendText>, pub title_align: Option<TitleAlignUnion>, pub title_anchor: Option<TitleAnchorUnion>, pub title_angle: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub title_baseline: Option<TextBaseline>, pub title_color: Option<Box<Color>>, pub title_font: Option<Box<Color>>, pub title_font_size: Option<FontSize>, pub title_font_style: Option<Box<Color>>, pub title_font_weight: Option<FontWeightUnion>, pub title_limit: Option<FontSize>, pub title_line_height: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub title_opacity: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub title_padding: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub title_x: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub title_y: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub translate: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>, pub values: Option<Values>, pub zindex: Option<f64>,
Expand description

Arc-specific Config

Image-specific Config

Rect-Specific Config

Area-Specific Config

Bar-Specific Config

Circle-Specific Config

Geoshape-Specific Config

Mark Config

Point-Specific Config

Rule-Specific Config

Square-Specific Config

Default style for chart subtitles

Default style for chart titles

Default style for axis, legend, and header labels.

Default style for axis, legend, and header titles.

Text-Specific Config

Line-Specific Config

Trail-Specific Config

Tick-Specific Config


§align: Option<TitleAlignUnion>

The horizontal alignment of the text or ranged marks (area, bar, image, rect, rule). One of "left", "right", "center".

Note: Expression reference is not supported for range marks.

§angle: Option<Angle>

The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.

§aria: Option<Aria>

A boolean flag indicating if ARIA attributes should be included (SVG output only). If false, the “aria-hidden” attribute will be set on the output SVG element, removing the mark item from the ARIA accessibility tree.

§aria_role: Option<Box<Color>>

Sets the type of user interface element of the mark item for ARIA accessibility (SVG output only). If specified, this property determines the “role” attribute. Warning: this property is experimental and may be changed in the future.

§aria_role_description: Option<Box<Color>>

A human-readable, author-localized description for the role of the mark item for ARIA accessibility (SVG output only). If specified, this property determines the “aria-roledescription” attribute. Warning: this property is experimental and may be changed in the future.

§aspect: Option<Aria>

Whether to keep aspect ratio of image marks.

§baseline: Option<TextBaseline>

For text marks, the vertical text baseline. One of "alphabetic" (default), "top", "middle", "bottom", "line-top", "line-bottom", or an expression reference that provides one of the valid values. The "line-top" and "line-bottom" values operate similarly to "top" and "bottom", but are calculated relative to the lineHeight rather than fontSize alone.

For range marks, the vertical alignment of the marks. One of "top", "middle", "bottom".

Note: Expression reference is not supported for range marks.

§bin_spacing: Option<f64>

Offset between bars for binned field. The ideal value for this is either 0 (preferred by statisticians) or 1 (Vega-Lite default, D3 example style).

Default value: 1

§blend: Option<BlendUnion>

The color blend mode for drawing an item on its current background. Any valid CSS mix-blend-mode value can be used.

__Default value: "source-over"

§color: Option<StyleColor>

Default color.

Default value: "#4682b4"

Note: - This property cannot be used in a style config. - The fill and stroke properties have higher precedence than color and will override color.

§continuous_band_size: Option<f64>

The default size of the bars on continuous scales.

Default value: 5

§corner_radius: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The radius in pixels of rounded rectangles or arcs’ corners.

Default value: 0

§corner_radius_bottom_left: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The radius in pixels of rounded rectangles’ bottom left corner.

Default value: 0

§corner_radius_bottom_right: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The radius in pixels of rounded rectangles’ bottom right corner.

Default value: 0

§corner_radius_top_left: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The radius in pixels of rounded rectangles’ top right corner.

Default value: 0

§corner_radius_top_right: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The radius in pixels of rounded rectangles’ top left corner.

Default value: 0

§cursor: Option<CursorUnion>

The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid CSS cursor type can be used.

§description: Option<Box<Color>>

A text description of the mark item for ARIA accessibility (SVG output only). If specified, this property determines the “aria-label” attribute.

§dir: Option<Dir>

The direction of the text. One of "ltr" (left-to-right) or "rtl" (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to the limit parameter.

Default value: "ltr"

§discrete_band_size: Option<f64>

The default size of the bars with discrete dimensions. If unspecified, the default size is step-2, which provides 2 pixel offset between bars.

§dx: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The offset is applied after rotation by the angle property.

§dy: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The offset is applied after rotation by the angle property.

§ellipsis: Option<Box<Color>>

The ellipsis string for text truncated in response to the limit parameter.

Default value: "…"

§end_angle: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The end angle in radians for arc marks. A value of 0 indicates up (north), increasing values proceed clockwise.

§fill: Option<StyleFill>

Default fill color. This property has higher precedence than config.color. Set to null to remove fill.

Default value: (None)

§filled: Option<bool>

Whether the mark’s color should be used as fill color instead of stroke color.

Default value: false for all point, line, and rule marks as well as geoshape marks for graticule data sources; otherwise, true.

Note: This property cannot be used in a style config.

§fill_opacity: Option<Opacity>

The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).

Default value: 1

§font: Option<Box<Color>>

The typeface to set the text in (e.g., "Helvetica Neue").

§font_size: Option<FontSize>

The font size, in pixels.

Default value: 11

§font_style: Option<Box<Color>>

The font style (e.g., "italic").

§font_weight: Option<FontWeightUnion>

The font weight. This can be either a string (e.g "bold", "normal") or a number (100, 200, 300, …, 900 where "normal" = 400 and "bold" = 700).

§height: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

Height of the marks.

§href: Option<Box<Color>>

A URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.

§inner_radius: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The inner radius in pixels of arc marks. innerRadius is an alias for radius2.

§interpolate: Option<MarkConfigExprOrSignalRefInterpolate>

The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following: - "linear": piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline. - "linear-closed": close the linear segments to form a polygon. - "step": alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step function. - "step-before": alternate between vertical and horizontal segments, as in a step function. - "step-after": alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step function. - "basis": a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends. - "basis-open": an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end. - "basis-closed": a closed B-spline, as in a loop. - "cardinal": a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends. - "cardinal-open": an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end, but will intersect other control points. - "cardinal-closed": a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop. - "bundle": equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to straighten the spline. - "monotone": cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.

§invalid: RemovableValue<Invalid>

Defines how Vega-Lite should handle marks for invalid values (null and NaN). - If set to "filter" (default), all data items with null values will be skipped (for line, trail, and area marks) or filtered (for other marks). - If null, all data items are included. In this case, invalid values will be interpreted as zeroes.

§limit: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.

Default value: 0 – indicating no limit

§line_break: Option<Box<Color>>

A delimiter, such as a newline character, upon which to break text strings into multiple lines. This property is ignored if the text is array-valued.

§line_height: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The line height in pixels (the spacing between subsequent lines of text) for multi-line text marks.

§opacity: Option<Opacity>

The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).

Default value: 0.7 for non-aggregate plots with point, tick, circle, or square marks or layered bar charts and 1 otherwise.

§order: Option<bool>

For line and trail marks, this order property can be set to null or false to make the lines use the original order in the data sources.

§orient: Option<StyleOrient>

The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts. The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical. - For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick should be applied to x or y dimension. - For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output. - For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in the line if config.sortLineBy is not specified. For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack; therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.

The orientation of the axis. One of "top", "bottom", "left" or "right". The orientation can be used to further specialize the axis type (e.g., a y-axis oriented towards the right edge of the chart).

Default value: "bottom" for x-axes and "left" for y-axes.

§outer_radius: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The outer radius in pixels of arc marks. outerRadius is an alias for radius.

§pad_angle: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The angular padding applied to sides of the arc, in radians.

§radius: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

For arc mark, the primary (outer) radius in pixels.

For text marks, polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text from the origin determined by the x and y properties.

§radius2: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The secondary (inner) radius in pixels of arc marks.

§shape: Option<Box<Color>>

Shape of the point marks. Supported values include: - plotting shapes: "circle", "square", "cross", "diamond", "triangle-up", "triangle-down", "triangle-right", or "triangle-left". - the line symbol "stroke" - centered directional shapes "arrow", "wedge", or "triangle" - a custom SVG path string (For correct sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)

Default value: "circle"

§size: Option<FontSize>

Default size for marks. - For point/circle/square, this represents the pixel area of the marks. Note that this value sets the area of the symbol; the side lengths will increase with the square root of this value. - For bar, this represents the band size of the bar, in pixels. - For text, this represents the font size, in pixels.

Default value: - 30 for point, circle, square marks; width/height’s step - 2 for bar marks with discrete dimensions; - 5 for bar marks with continuous dimensions; - 11 for text marks.

§smooth: Option<Aria>

A boolean flag (default true) indicating if the image should be smoothed when resized. If false, individual pixels should be scaled directly rather than interpolated with smoothing. For SVG rendering, this option may not work in some browsers due to lack of standardization.

§start_angle: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The start angle in radians for arc marks. A value of 0 indicates up (north), increasing values proceed clockwise.

§stroke: Option<StyleFill>

Default stroke color. This property has higher precedence than config.color. Set to null to remove stroke.

Default value: (None)

§stroke_cap: Option<Cap>

The stroke cap for line ending style. One of "butt", "round", or "square".

Default value: "butt"

§stroke_dash: Option<StrokeDashUnion>

An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.

§stroke_dash_offset: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.

§stroke_join: Option<StrokeJoinUnion>

The stroke line join method. One of "miter", "round" or "bevel".

Default value: "miter"

§stroke_miter_limit: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.

§stroke_offset: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The offset in pixels at which to draw the group stroke and fill. If unspecified, the default behavior is to dynamically offset stroked groups such that 1 pixel stroke widths align with the pixel grid.

§stroke_opacity: Option<Opacity>

The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).

Default value: 1

§stroke_width: Option<FontSize>

The stroke width, in pixels.

§tension: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter (for line and area marks).

§text: Option<ConditionalPredicateValueDefTextExprRefText>

Text-Specific Config

Placeholder text if the text channel is not specified

§theta: Option<Angle>
  • For arc marks, the arc length in radians if theta2 is not specified, otherwise the start arc angle. (A value of 0 indicates up or “north”, increasing values proceed clockwise.)

  • For text marks, polar coordinate angle in radians.

§theta2: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The end angle of arc marks in radians. A value of 0 indicates up or “north”, increasing values proceed clockwise.

§time_unit_band: Option<f64>

Default relative band size for a time unit. If set to 1, the bandwidth of the marks will be equal to the time unit band step. If set to 0.5, bandwidth of the marks will be half of the time unit band step.

§time_unit_band_position: Option<f64>

Default relative band position for a time unit. If set to 0, the marks will be positioned at the beginning of the time unit band step. If set to 0.5, the marks will be positioned in the middle of the time unit band step.

§tooltip: Option<StyleTooltip>

The tooltip text string to show upon mouse hover or an object defining which fields should the tooltip be derived from.

  • If tooltip is true or {"content": "encoding"}, then all fields from encoding will be used. - If tooltip is {"content": "data"}, then all fields that appear in the highlighted data point will be used. - If set to null or false, then no tooltip will be used.

See the tooltip documentation for a detailed discussion about tooltip in Vega-Lite.

Default value: null

§url: Option<Box<Color>>

The URL of the image file for image marks.

§width: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

Width of the marks.

§x: Option<XUnion>

X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal "bar" and "area" without specified x2 or width.

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "width" for the width of the plot.

§x2: Option<XUnion>

X2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "width" for the width of the plot.

§y: Option<YUnion>

Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical "bar" and "area" without specified y2 or height.

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "height" for the height of the plot.

§y2: Option<YUnion>

Y2 coordinates for ranged "area", "bar", "rect", and "rule".

The value of this channel can be a number or a string "height" for the height of the plot.

§line: Option<Line>

A flag for overlaying line on top of area marks, or an object defining the properties of the overlayed lines.

  • If this value is an empty object ({}) or true, lines with default properties will be used.

  • If this value is false, no lines would be automatically added to area marks.

Default value: false.

Line-Specific Config

§point: Option<PointUnion>

A flag for overlaying points on top of line or area marks, or an object defining the properties of the overlayed points.

  • If this property is "transparent", transparent points will be used (for enhancing tooltips and selections).

  • If this property is an empty object ({}) or true, filled points with default properties will be used.

  • If this property is false, no points would be automatically added to line or area marks.

Default value: false.

Point-Specific Config

§corner_radius_end: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>
  • For vertical bars, top-left and top-right corner radius. - For horizontal bars, top-right and bottom-right corner radius.
§band_size: Option<f64>

The width of the ticks.

Default value: 3/4 of step (width step for horizontal ticks and height step for vertical ticks).

§thickness: Option<f64>

Thickness of the tick mark.

Default value: 1

§band_position: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§domain: Option<Aria>§domain_cap: Option<Cap>§domain_color: Option<Box<Color>>§domain_dash: Option<StrokeDashUnion>§domain_dash_offset: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§domain_opacity: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§domain_width: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§format: Option<Format>

When used with the default "number" and "time" format type, the text formatting pattern for labels of guides (axes, legends, headers) and text marks.

See the format documentation for more examples.

When used with a custom formatType, this value will be passed as format alongside datum.value to the registered function.

Default value: Derived from numberFormat config for number format and from timeFormat config for time format.

§format_type: Option<String>

The format type for labels. One of "number", "time", or a registered custom format type.

Default value: - "time" for temporal fields and ordinal and nominal fields with timeUnit. - "number" for quantitative fields as well as ordinal and nominal fields without timeUnit.

§grid: Option<bool>

A boolean flag indicating if grid lines should be included as part of the axis

Default value: true for continuous scales that are not binned; otherwise, false.

§grid_cap: Option<Cap>§grid_color: Option<GridColorUnion>§grid_dash: Option<AxisGridDash>§grid_dash_offset: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>§grid_opacity: Option<GridOpacityUnion>§grid_width: Option<GridWidthUnion>§label_align: Option<ConditionalAxisPropertyAlignNull>§label_angle: Option<LabelAngle>§label_baseline: Option<PurpleTextBaseline>§label_bound: Option<Label>§label_color: Option<GridColorUnion>§label_expr: Option<String>

Vega expression for customizing labels.

Note: The label text and value can be assessed via the label and value properties of the axis’s backing datum object.

§label_flush: Option<LabelFlush>

Indicates if the first and last axis labels should be aligned flush with the scale range. Flush alignment for a horizontal axis will left-align the first label and right-align the last label. For vertical axes, bottom and top text baselines are applied instead. If this property is a number, it also indicates the number of pixels by which to offset the first and last labels; for example, a value of 2 will flush-align the first and last labels and also push them 2 pixels outward from the center of the axis. The additional adjustment can sometimes help the labels better visually group with corresponding axis ticks.

Default value: true for axis of a continuous x-scale. Otherwise, false.

§label_flush_offset: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§label_font: Option<ConditionalAxisPropertyStringNull>§label_font_size: Option<GridWidthUnion>§label_font_style: Option<ConditionalAxisPropertyFontStyleNull>§label_font_weight: Option<FontWeight>§label_limit: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§label_line_height: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§label_offset: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>§label_opacity: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>§label_overlap: Option<LabelOverlapUnion>

The strategy to use for resolving overlap of axis labels. If false (the default), no overlap reduction is attempted. If set to true or "parity", a strategy of removing every other label is used (this works well for standard linear axes). If set to "greedy", a linear scan of the labels is performed, removing any labels that overlaps with the last visible label (this often works better for log-scaled axes).

Default value: true for non-nominal fields with non-log scales; "greedy" for log scales; otherwise false.

§label_padding: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>§labels: Option<Aria>§label_separation: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§max_extent: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§min_extent: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§offset: Option<f64>

The offset, in pixels, by which to displace the axis from the edge of the enclosing group or data rectangle.

Default value: derived from the axis config’s offset (0 by default)

§position: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The anchor position of the axis in pixels. For x-axes with top or bottom orientation, this sets the axis group x coordinate. For y-axes with left or right orientation, this sets the axis group y coordinate.

Default value: 0

§style: Option<LegendText>

A string or array of strings indicating the name of custom styles to apply to the axis. A style is a named collection of axis property defined within the style configuration. If style is an array, later styles will override earlier styles.

Default value: (none) Note: Any specified style will augment the default style. For example, an x-axis mark with "style": "foo" will use config.axisX and (the specified style "foo" has higher precedence).

§tick_band: Option<TickBandUnion>§tick_cap: Option<Cap>§tick_color: Option<GridColorUnion>§tick_count: Option<TickCount>

A desired number of ticks, for axes visualizing quantitative scales. The resulting number may be different so that values are “nice” (multiples of 2, 5, 10) and lie within the underlying scale’s range.

For scales of type "time" or "utc", the tick count can instead be a time interval specifier. Legal string values are "millisecond", "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", and "year". Alternatively, an object-valued interval specifier of the form {"interval": "month", "step": 3} includes a desired number of interval steps. Here, ticks are generated for each quarter (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) boundary.

Default value: Determine using a formula ceil(width/40) for x and ceil(height/40) for y.

§tick_dash: Option<AxisTickDash>§tick_dash_offset: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>§tick_extra: Option<Aria>§tick_min_step: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>

The minimum desired step between axis ticks, in terms of scale domain values. For example, a value of 1 indicates that ticks should not be less than 1 unit apart. If tickMinStep is specified, the tickCount value will be adjusted, if necessary, to enforce the minimum step value.

§tick_offset: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§tick_opacity: Option<GridDashOffsetUnion>§tick_round: Option<Aria>§ticks: Option<Aria>§tick_size: Option<GridWidthUnion>§tick_width: Option<GridWidthUnion>§title: RemovableValue<LegendText>

A title for the field. If null, the title will be removed.

Default value: derived from the field’s name and transformation function (aggregate, bin and timeUnit). If the field has an aggregate function, the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., "Sum of Profit"). If the field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in parentheses (e.g., "Profit (binned)", "Transaction Date (year-month)"). Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.


  1. You can customize the default field title format by providing the fieldTitle property in the config or fieldTitle function via the compile function’s options.

  2. If both field definition’s title and axis, header, or legend title are defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.

§title_align: Option<TitleAlignUnion>§title_anchor: Option<TitleAnchorUnion>§title_angle: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§title_baseline: Option<TextBaseline>§title_color: Option<Box<Color>>§title_font: Option<Box<Color>>§title_font_size: Option<FontSize>§title_font_style: Option<Box<Color>>§title_font_weight: Option<FontWeightUnion>§title_limit: Option<FontSize>§title_line_height: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§title_opacity: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§title_padding: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§title_x: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§title_y: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§translate: Option<CornerRadiusUnion>§values: Option<Values>

Explicitly set the visible axis tick values.

§zindex: Option<f64>

A non-negative integer indicating the z-index of the axis. If zindex is 0, axes should be drawn behind all chart elements. To put them in front, set zindex to 1 or more.

Default value: 0 (behind the marks).

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for StyleValue


fn clone(&self) -> StyleValue

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for StyleValue


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for StyleValue


fn default() -> StyleValue

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for StyleValue


fn deserialize<__D>(__deserializer: __D) -> Result<Self, __D::Error>where __D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl Serialize for StyleValue


fn serialize<__S>(&self, __serializer: __S) -> Result<__S::Ok, __S::Error>where __S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for Twhere T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for Twhere U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for Twhere T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for Twhere U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for Twhere U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> DeserializeOwned for Twhere T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>,