Trait vdf::VDF

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pub trait VDF: Send + Debug {
    fn solve(
        challenge: &[u8],
        difficulty: u64
    ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, InvalidIterations>; fn check_difficulty(&self, difficulty: u64) -> Result<(), InvalidIterations>; fn verify(
        challenge: &[u8],
        difficulty: u64,
        alleged_solution: &[u8]
    ) -> Result<(), InvalidProof>; }
Expand description

A Verifiable Delay Function (VDF).

VDFs are problems that require a certain amount of time to solve, even on a parallel machine, but can be validated much more easily.

While VDFs are considered to be cryptographic primitives, they generally do not operate on highly sensitive data. As such, implementers of this trait do not guarantee that they will be immune to side-channel attacks, and consumers of this trait MUST NOT expect this.

Instances of this trait are not expected to be Sync. This allows them to reuse allocations (such as scratch memory) accross invocations without the need for locking. However, they MUST be Send and Clone, so that consumers can duplicate them and send them across threads.

Required Methods

Solve an instance of this VDF, with challenge challenge and difficulty difficulty.

The output is to be returned in a Vec<u8>, so it can be stored to disk or sent over the network.

Challenge format

The challenge is an opaque byte string of arbitrary length. Implementors MUST NOT make any assumptions about its contents, and MUST produce distinct outputs for distinct challenges (except with negiligible probability).

This can be most easily implemented by using the challenge as part of the input of a cryptographic hash function. The VDFs provided in this crate use this strategy.

The difficulty must be checked before performing any expensive computations.

Most applications will generate the challenge using a cryptographically-secure pseudorandom number generator, but implementors MUST NOT rely on this. In particular, this function must be secure even if challenge is chosen by an adversary. Excessive values for difficulty may cause excessive resource consumption, but must not create any other vulnerabilities.


The VDFs in this crate consume memory that does not depend on difficulty, and time linearly proportional to difficulty. Implementors of this trait should document the resource use.


This method must have no side effects. In particular, it must be deterministic: it must always return the same output for the same inputs, except with negligible probability. Furthermore, while it may change self via interior mutability, such changes must not affect future calls to this method, Self::check_difficulty, or Self::verify. They may affect the Debug output.

Check that the difficulty is valid.

This must return Ok if and only if difficulty is valid. Otherwise, it must return Err.


It would be more ideomatic Rust to use the type system to enforce that a difficulty has been validated before use. However, I (Demi) have not yet figured out an object-safe way to do so.

Verifies an alleged solution of this VDF, with challenge challenge and difficulty difficulty. Return Ok(()) on success, or Err(InvalidProof) on failure.

This function does not return any extended error information for security reasons. To check that the difficulty is correct, call Self::check_difficulty.

Uniqueness of valid solutions

For any (challenge, difficulty) tuple, there must be at most one alleged_solution (as measured by Eq) that causes this function to return Ok(()). If the difficulty is valid (as determined by check_difficulty), there must be exactly one such solution; otherwise, there must be none.


This method must have no side effects. In particular, it must be deterministic: it must always return the same output for the same inputs. Furthermore, while it may change self via interior mutability, such changes must not affect future calls to this method, Self::prove, or Self::check_difficulty. Such changes MAY affect debugging output.
