Expand description
Vaultier is a crate to read from and write secrets to Hashicorp Vault.
use vaultier::SecretClient;
struct MySecrets {
pub username: String,
pub password: String,
let address = "<vault instance address>";
let mount = String::from("<mount>");
let base_path = String::from("<base_path>");
// With token or default feature enabled
let client = SecretClient::new(address, mount, base_path, None).unwrap();
// With auth feature enabled
let auth_mount = "<mount to vault auth>";
let role = "<your role>";
let client = SecretClient::create(address, auth_mount, role, mount, base_path).unwrap();
// read secrets from that base path
let secrets = client.read_secrets::<MySecrets>().await.unwrap();
// read secrets from the passed path relative to the base path: mount/data/base_path/my-secrets
let secrets = client.read_secrets_from::<MySecrets>("my-secrets").await.unwrap();
- A client to read secrets from Hashicorp Vault.
- secret data including metadata
- Options for confguring a write, the version will be used as cas value. also see https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/tutorials/secrets-management/versioned-kv#step-8-check-and-set-operations