Crate vast4

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An implementation of VAST 4.2 FINAL.


Top-level element, wraps each ad in the response or ad unit in an ad pod. This MUST be present unless an Error element is present.
The <AdParameters> element is currently the only way to pass information from the VAST response into the VPAID object.
Indicates source ad server.
The AdVerification element is used to initiate a controlled container where code can be executed for collecting data to verify ad playback details.
Ad categories are used in creative separation and for compliance in certain programs.
Used in creative separation and for compliance in certain programs, a category field is needed to categorize the ad’s content.
The <ClickThrough> is a URI to the advertiser’s site that the media player opens when a viewer clicks the ad.
Multiple <ClickTracking> elements can be used in the case where multiple parties would like to track the Linear ad clickthrough.
Individual closed caption files for various languages.
Optional node that enables closed caption sidecar files associated with the ad media (video or audio) to be provided to the player.
The resource elements for providing creative resources.
Companion Ads are secondary ads included in the VAST tag that accompany the video/audio ad.
The <CompanionClickTracking> element is used to track the click.
Each <Creative> element contains nested elements that describe the type of ad being served using nested sub-elements.
Any valid XML may be included in the Extensions node.
This extension can be used to load an executable creative with or without using the <MediaFile>.
A container for one or more <Creative> element used to provide creative files for the ad.
The <CustomClick> is used to track any interactions with the linear ad that do not include the clickthrough click and do not take the viewer away from the media player.
Duration represents a span of time. The value format is HH:MM:SS.mmm or HH:MM:SS.
A reference to a non-JavaScript or custom-integration resource intended for collecting verification data via the listed apiFramework.
One instance of <Extension> should be used for each custom extension. The type attribute is a custom value which identifies the extension.
XML node for custom extensions, as defined by the ad server. When used, a custom element should be nested under <Extensions> to help separa te custom XML elements from VAST elements.
The Icon is used to provide one or more creative files for the icon that represents the program being implemented along with any icon tracking elements.
The <IconClickFallbackImage> element is used to display information when an icon clicka occurs.
The <IconClickFallbackImages> element is used to provide information disclosure for platforms which do not support HTML rendering, by baking the information into an image.
<IconClickTracking> is used to track click activity within the icon.
The <IconClicks> element is a container for <IconClickThrough> and <ClickTracking>.
The container for zero or one <Icon> element.
Impression is a URI that directs the video player to a tracking resource file that the video player should request when the first frame of the ad is displayed.
Second-level element surrounding complete ad data for a single ad.
The <InteractiveCreativeFile> element is used to identify the file and the framework needed for execution.
A container for the URI to the JavaScript file used to collect verification data.
Linear Ads are the video or audio formatted ads that play linearly within the streaming content, meaning before the streaming content, during a break, or after the streaming content.
In VAST 4.x <MediaFile> should only be used to contain the video or audio file for a Linear ad.
The mezzanine file specifications are defined in the Digital Video Ad Format Guidelines.
Each <NonLinear> element may provide different versions of the same creative using the <StaticResource>, <IFrameResource>, and <HTMLResource> elements in the InLine VAST response.
A container for the <NonLinear> creative files and tracking resources.
The <NonLinearClickTracking> element is used to track the click for NonLinear ad creative.
Pricing provides a value that represents a price that can be used by real-time bidding (RTB) systems. VAST is not designed to handle RTB since other methods exist, but this element is offered for custom solutions if needed.
The URI to a static creative file to be used for the ad component identified in the parent element.
The <Survey> element can be used to provide a URI to any resource file having to do with collecting survey data.
Each <Tracking> element is used to define a single event to be tracked.
The <TrackingEvents> element is available for Linear, NonLinear, and Companion, elements in both InLine and Wrapper formats.
A required element for the purpose of tracking ad creative, the <UniversalAdId> is used to provide a unique creative identifier that is maintained across systems.
IAB VAST (Video Ad Serving Template).
Represents an error for parsing VAST.
The <Verification> element contains the executable and bootstrapping data required to run the measurement code for a single verification vendor.
Each <Tracking> element is used to define a single event to be tracked by the verification vendor.
The verification vendor may provide URIs for tracking events relating to the execution of their code during the ad session.
The <VideoClicks> element provides URIs for clickthroughs, clicktracking, and custom clicks and is available for Linear Ads in both the InLine and Wrapper formats.
The ad server may provide URIs for tracking publisher-determined viewability, for both the InLine ad and any Wrappers, using the <ViewableImpression> element.
Second-level element surrounding wrapper ad pointing to Secondary ad server.


Identifier for type of ad.
The required attribute for the <CompanionAds> element provides information about which Companion creative to display when multiple Companions are supplied and whether the ad can be displayed without its Companion creative.
Represents the video delivery protocol type.
Offset represents a duration value or percentage value.
The pricing model used.
Used to indicate when and where to use this companion ad. If this field is empty or not given, default will be used.
TrackingEvent represents tracking’s event.
The x-cooridinate of the top, left corner of the icon asset relative to the ad display area.
The y-cooridinate of the top left corner of the icon asset relative to the ad display area.
