pub type ProcessedReadObservation = ReadObservation<ReadPosition, AltLocus>;

Aliased Type§

struct ProcessedReadObservation {
Show 19 fields pub fragment_id: Option<u64>, pub prob_alt: LogProb, pub prob_ref: LogProb, pub prob_missed_allele: LogProb, pub prob_sample_alt: LogProb, pub prob_double_overlap: LogProb, pub prob_single_overlap: LogProb, pub prob_hit_base: LogProb, pub strand: Strand, pub read_orientation: SequenceReadPairOrientation, pub softclipped: bool, pub paired: bool, pub read_position: ReadPosition, pub prob_observable_at_homopolymer_artifact: Option<LogProb>, pub prob_observable_at_homopolymer_variant: Option<LogProb>, pub homopolymer_indel_len: Option<i8>, pub is_max_mapq: bool, pub alt_locus: AltLocus, pub third_allele_evidence: Option<u32>, /* private fields */


§fragment_id: Option<u64>§prob_alt: LogProb

Probability that the read/read-pair comes from the alternative allele.

§prob_ref: LogProb

Probability that the read/read-pair comes from the reference allele.

§prob_missed_allele: LogProb

Probability that the read/read-pair comes from an unknown allele at an unknown true locus (in case it is mismapped). This should usually be set as the product of the maxima of prob_ref and prob_alt per read.

§prob_sample_alt: LogProb

Probability to sample the alt allele

§prob_double_overlap: LogProb

Probability to overlap with both strands

§prob_single_overlap: LogProb

Probability to overlap with one strand only (1-prob_double_overlap)

§prob_hit_base: LogProb§strand: Strand

Strand evidence this observation relies on

§read_orientation: SequenceReadPairOrientation

Read orientation support this observation relies on

§softclipped: bool

True if obervation contains s

§paired: bool§read_position: ReadPosition

Read position of the variant in the read (for SNV and MNV)

§prob_observable_at_homopolymer_artifact: Option<LogProb>

Probability to make this observation at a homopolymer artifact

§prob_observable_at_homopolymer_variant: Option<LogProb>§homopolymer_indel_len: Option<i8>

Homopolymer indel length (None if there is no homopolymer indel compared to reference)

§is_max_mapq: bool§alt_locus: AltLocus§third_allele_evidence: Option<u32>

Edit distance of the read against the alt allele. Only recorded if it is higher than the expected number of sequencing errors of each type.