Crate variant_rs

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§variant-rs License License

variant-rs is a Rust crate that provides idiomatic handling of COM VARIANT types. Rust supports discriminated union types out of the box, so although VARIANTs are usually a pain to work with, Rust makes it easy to encode and decode them.

The crate is designed to work with the VARIANT type from the winapi crate.

§Basic usage

use variant_rs::*;

fn main() {
    let v1 = Variant::I32(123); // manual instanciation
    let v2 = 123i32.to_variant(); // ToVariant trait
    let v3 = 123.into(); // From / Into traits
    assert_eq!(v1, v2);
    assert_eq!(v1, v3);
    let bstr: Variant = "Hello, world!".into();
    let ptr: VARIANT = bstr.clone().try_into().unwrap(); // convert to COM VARIANT
    let back: Variant = ptr.try_into().unwrap(); // convert back
    assert_eq!(bstr, back);

§Supported VARIANT types and corresponding types

VARIANT typeRust typeRust type (BY_REF)
VT_I2i16&'static mut i16
VT_I4i32&'static mut i32
VT_I8i64&'static mut i64
VT_UI1u8&'static mut u8
VT_UI2u16&'static mut u16
VT_UI4u32&'static mut u32
VT_UI8u64&'static mut u64
VT_INTi32&'static mut i32
VT_UINTu32&'static mut u32
VT_R4f32&'static mut f32
VT_R8f64&'static mut f64
VT_BOOLbool&'static mut ComBool
VT_BSTRBSTR&'static mut BSTR
VT_ERRORHRESULT (i32)&'static mut HRESULT (i32)
VT_CYCurrency&'static mut ComCurrency
VT_DATENaiveDateTime&'static mut ComDate
VT_DECIMALDecimal&'static mut ComDecimal

§Wrapper types


i16-backed enum.


Maps COM’s i64 currency data CY to Decimal.


Maps COM’s 96-bit decimals DECIMAL to Decimal.


Maps COM’s DATE (f64 milliseconds from 1899-12-30) to NaiveDateTime.


Safe wrapper around COM interface pointers.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

variant-rs = "0.4.0"


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  • Call a method on the COM object
  • Get a property from the COM object
  • Set a property on the COM object


  • Required features: "Win32_Foundation", "Win32_System_Com", "Win32_System_Ole"