Macro variadic_generics::va_expand[][src]

macro_rules! va_expand {
    ($($tt : tt) +) => { ... };
Expand description

Generates a macro for you and immediatly passes it on to va_invoke.

va_expand!{ ($va_len:tt) ($($va_idents),+) ($($va_indices:tt),+)

will be expanded to

macro_rules! _va_mac {
    (($va_len:tt) ($($va_idents),+) ($($va_indices:tt),+)) => {

NOTE Due to language limitations (macro-expanded macro_rules!s may not shadow existing macros (see RFC 1560)), when calling this macro twice or more within the same module, you need to supply a unique identifier as the very first argument (which will be the name of the generated macro). You can choose it to be random or descriptive.

va_expand!{ _asf ($va_len:tt) ($($va_idents),+) ($($va_indices:tt),+)
va_expand!{ _impl_mytraits ($va_len:tt) ($($va_idents),+)