Crate validit

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Validate variable internal state when the variable is accessed.

  • Implement trait Validate for a type T to define how to validate internal state of T.
  • Wrapper struct Valid<T: Validate> implements Deref and DerefMut traits, and validates the internal state when the variable is accessed.

For example, If in your program you have a struct Lt5 { v: u64 } and you want to make sure that v is always less than to 5, you can implement Validate trait for Foo and use less! macro to validate a.

struct Lt5 { v: u64 }

impl Validate for Lt5 {
    fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
        validit::less!(self.v, 5);

let v1 = Lt5 { v: 1 }.valid();
let _x = v1.v; // Good

let v6 = Lt5 { v: 6 }.valid();
let res = catch_unwind(|| {
    let _x = v6.v; // panic: panicked at 'invalid state: expect: self.v(6) < 5(5) ...


  • Defines macros for validation check, such as less!(smaller, greater).


  • A wrapper of T that validate the state of T every time accessing it.



  • Assert that function call call(a,b,...)(up to 8 arguments) to return true, otherwise it return an error.
  • Assert that a is less than b, otherwise it return an error.
  • Assert that a is greater than b, otherwise it return an error.
  • Assert that a is less than or equal to b, otherwise it return an error.
  • Assert that a is greater than or equal to b, otherwise it return an error.
  • Assert that a equal to b, otherwise it return an error.