pub trait FromFormField<'v>: Send + Sized {
    fn from_value(field: ValueField<'v>) -> Result<Self, Errors<'v>> { ... }
    fn from_data<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        field: DataField<'v, 'life0>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self, Errors<'v>>> + Send + 'async_trait, Global>>
        'v: 'async_trait,
        'life0: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
, { ... } fn default() -> Option<Self> { ... } }
Expand description

Implied form guard (FromForm) for parsing a single form field.

Types that implement FromFormField automatically implement FromForm via a blanket implementation. As such, all FromFormField types are form guards and can appear as the type of values in derived FromForm struct fields:

struct Person<'r> {
    name: &'r str,
    age: u16


FromFormField can be derived for C-like enums, where the generated implementation case-insensitively parses fields with values equal to the name of the variant or the value in field(value = "...").

/// Fields with value `"simple"` parse as `Kind::Simple`. Fields with value
/// `"fancy"` parse as `Kind::SoFancy`.
enum Kind {
    #[field(value = "fancy")]

Provided Implementations

See FromForm for a list of all form guards, including those implemented via FromFormField.


Implementing FromFormField requires implementing one or both of from_value or from_data, depending on whether the type can be parsed from a value field (text) and/or streaming binary data. Typically, a value can be parsed from either, either directly or by using request-local cache as an intermediary, and parsing from both should be preferred when sensible.

FromFormField is an async trait, so implementations must be decorated with an attribute of #[rocket::async_trait]:

use rocket::form::{self, FromFormField, DataField, ValueField};

impl<'r> FromFormField<'r> for MyType {
    fn from_value(field: ValueField<'r>) -> form::Result<'r, Self> {
        todo!("parse from a value or use default impl")

    async fn from_data(field: DataField<'r, '_>) -> form::Result<'r, Self> {
        todo!("parse from a value or use default impl")


The following example parses a custom Person type with the format $name:$data, where $name is expected to be string and data is expected to be any slice of bytes.

use rocket::data::ToByteUnit;
use rocket::form::{self, FromFormField, DataField, ValueField};

use memchr::memchr;

struct Person<'r> {
    name: &'r str,
    data: &'r [u8]

impl<'r> FromFormField<'r> for Person<'r> {
    fn from_value(field: ValueField<'r>) -> form::Result<'r, Self> {
        match field.value.find(':') {
            Some(i) => Ok(Person {
                name: &field.value[..i],
                data: field.value[(i + 1)..].as_bytes()
            None => Err(form::Error::validation("does not contain ':'"))?

    async fn from_data(field: DataField<'r, '_>) -> form::Result<'r, Self> {
        // Retrieve the configured data limit or use `256KiB` as default.
        let limit = field.request.limits()

        // Read the capped data stream, returning a limit error as needed.
        let bytes =;
        if !bytes.is_complete() {
            Err((None, Some(limit)))?;

        // Store the bytes in request-local cache and split at ':'.
        let bytes = bytes.into_inner();
        let bytes = rocket::request::local_cache!(field.request, bytes);
        let (raw_name, data) = match memchr(b':', bytes) {
            Some(i) => (&bytes[..i], &bytes[(i + 1)..]),
            None => Err(form::Error::validation("does not contain ':'"))?

        // Try to parse the name as UTF-8 or return an error if it fails.
        let name = std::str::from_utf8(raw_name)?;
        Ok(Person { name, data })

use rocket::form::{Form, FromForm};

// The type can be used directly, if only one field is expected...
#[post("/person", data = "<person>")]
fn person(person: Form<Person<'_>>) { /* ... */ }

// ...or as a named field in another form guard...
struct NewPerson<'r> {
    person: Person<'r>

#[post("/person", data = "<person>")]
fn new_person(person: Form<NewPerson<'_>>) { /* ... */ }

Provided Methods

Parse a value of T from a form value field.

The default implementation returns an error of ValueField::unexpected().

Parse a value of T from a form data field.

The default implementation returns an error of DataField::unexpected().

Returns a default value, if any exists, to be used during lenient parsing when the form field is missing.

A return value of None means that field is required to exist and parse successfully, always. A return value of Some(default) means that default should be used when a field is missing.

The default implementation returns None.

Implementations on Foreign Types
