[][src]Crate valid

valid - composable validation for custom types

The valid crate let us write validation functions for our custom types through composition of available validation functions. Any custom written validation function again can be used to build validations for even more complex types.

The features and design of valid follow these goals:

  1. Build more complex validations by composition of simplier validation functions.
  2. One common API for validating all kind of business rules.
  3. One common error type for all errors resulting from validating any kind business rule.
  4. Focus on the validation process. The presentation of validation results is not scope of this crate.
  5. No dependencies to 3rd party crates in the core API. Optional dependencies to support implementation of advanced constraints.

Validation function, constraints and context

The purpose of the validation is to confirm that a given value of type T is compliant to a set of one or several constraints. To find out whether a value is compliant we implement a function that checks some constraints on the given value. The signature of such a validation function might look like this:

This example is not tested
fn validate<T, S, C>(value: T, context: S, constraint: C) -> Result<Validated<C, T>, ValidationError>;

This function takes a value T, a context S, and a constraint definition C as input and returns a result that is either a Validated<C, T> or a ValidationError. So we might define the validation function as a function that converts a type T into some Validated<C, T> or returns an error if one of the defined constraints is violated.

The actual validation function of this crate is defined by the Validate trait. The only difference to the function above is that the value is the self parameter. Lets have a look what the other two input parameters 'constraint' and 'context' are about.

A constraint defines how to determine whether a value is valid or not. For example a value is valid if it is between a lower and an upper limit or the number of characters in a string must be between a lower and an upper limit. As another example a constraint may define that two fields must match. Additionally business rules may be defined for some aspect of an application's state such as that an identifier must be unique within the application.

This crate provides some constraints. Those built in constraints are found in the constraint module.

In this library constraints are assigned to one of 3 categories:

  • Field level constraint
  • Constraints on the relation between two fields
  • Constraints for the state of an application

This categorization of constraints helps with two aspects of the design of the API. First the kind of information that is needed for the validation function to execute the validation and second to provide a common error type that can be turned into error messages that are meaningful to the user of an application.

The actual validation function is defined by the Validate trait. It takes some context as input. The context provides additional information to the validation function that enables us to implement more complex validations and add additional parameters to the returned error.

The context can be one of 3 types, where each type corresponds to one of the 3 categories mentioned above:

  • FieldName - provides a name of the field that is validated
  • RelatedFields - provides the names of two related fields
  • State<S> - provides some generic state information

For the second aspect the ValidationError struct as defined by this crate contains a list of ConstraintViolations. A constraint violation is an enum with 3 variants, one for each of the 3 categories we talked about:

  • ConstraintViolation::Field(InvalidaValue)
  • ConstraintViolation::Relation(InvalidRelation)
  • ConstraintViolation::State(InvalidState)

Generic implementation of constraints and properties

The validation function of the Validate trait is applied to the combination of a constraint and a value. To validate some constraint C for a value of type T the Validate trait must be implemented for the combination of these two types.

Most primitive constraints evaluate one property of a value, such as the length of a string or the number of fraction digits of a decimal number. If we use traits to determine the relevant property of a value (lets call them property traits) we can implement the Validate trait for all types T that implement the according property trait.

This crate implements the Validate trait for all provided constraints for all generic types T that implement a certain property trait. If there is a trait suitable as a property trait defined by the std-lib we use that otherwise we define our own trait.

The property traits defined by this crate are found in the property module.

Validating values using the built in constraints

Successful validation of a simple variable:

use valid::Validate;
use valid::constraint::CharCount;

let text = String::from("the answer is 42");

let result = text.validate("text", &CharCount::MinMax(2, 16)).result();

let validated = result.expect("successful validation");

assert_eq!(validated.unwrap(), String::from("the answer is 42"));

Validating a pair of related values:

use valid::Validate;
use valid::constraint::MustMatch;

let password = "s3cr3t".to_string();
let repeated = "s3cr3t".to_string();

let result = (password, repeated).validate(("password", "repeated"), &MustMatch).result();

let validated = result.expect("successful validation");

assert_eq!(validated.unwrap(), ("s3cr3t".to_string(), "s3cr3t".to_string()));

Validation errors

A failing validation returs a ValidationError. It contains a list of constraint violations and and an optional message. The message is meant to describe the context in which the validation has been performed. It is helpful when validating a struct that represents an input form or a REST command. In such cases the message would be something like "validating registration form" or "invalid post entry command".

Here is an example for a validation that is failing with a message:

use valid::{Validate, ValidationError, InvalidValue, Field, Value};
use valid::constraint::CharCount;

let text = String::from("the answer is 42");

let result = text.validate("text", &CharCount::MinMax(2, 15)).with_message("validating `text`");

assert_eq!(result, Err(ValidationError {
    message: Some("validating `text`".into()),
    violations: vec![InvalidValue {
        code: "invalid-char-count-max".into(),
        field: Field {
            name: "text".into(),
            actual: Some(Value::Integer(16)),
            expected: Some(Value::Integer(15)),

let error = result.unwrap_err();

// ValidationError implements the Display trait
assert_eq!(error.to_string(), "validating `text`: [ invalid-char-count-max of text which is 16, expected to be 15 ]");

// ValidationError can be converted into `failure::Error`
let error: failure::Error = error.into();

ValidationError implements the Display and std::error::Error trait from std-lib. It also can be converted into a failure::Error from the failure crate.

With the optional crate feature "serde1" enabled the ValidationError implements Serialize and Deserialize from the serde crate. This enables us to send errors to the client of an application via the network or store them in a database.

Composite validation functions

Validating a struct with severals fields typically means to validate each field and list all the violations if any are found. With valid we can combine validations using the combinator methods, e.g. Validation::and and Validation::and_then.

Lets say we have a struct that represents a command to register a new user.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct RegisterUser {
    username: String,
    password: String,
    password2: String,
    age: i32,

Now we write a function that validates our struct and validate some instance of the command:

use valid::{State, Validate, Validation, ValidationResult};
use valid::constraint::{Bound, CharCount, MustMatch};

fn validate_register_user_cmd(command: RegisterUser) -> ValidationResult<(), RegisterUser> {
    let RegisterUser {
    } = command;

        .validate("name", &CharCount::MinMax(4, 20))
        .and(password.validate("password", &CharCount::MinMax(6, 20)))
        .and_then(|(username, password)| {
            (password, password2)
                .validate(("password", "password2"), &MustMatch)
        .and(age.validate("age", &Bound::ClosedRange(13, 199)))
        .map(|((username, (password, password2)), age)| RegisterUser {
        .with_message("validating register user command")

let register_user = RegisterUser {
    username: "jane.doe".into(),
    password: "s3cr3t".into(),
    password2: "s3cr3t".into(),
    age: 42,
let original = register_user.clone();

let result = validate_register_user_cmd(register_user);
let validated = result.unwrap();

assert_eq!(validated.unwrap(), original);

Alternatively we can implement the Validate trait and do the same validation:

use valid::{State, Validate, Validation};
use valid::constraint::{Bound, CharCount, MustMatch};

struct RegistrationForm;

impl Validate<RegistrationForm, State<()>> for RegisterUser {
    fn validate(self, context: impl Into<State<()>>, constraint: &RegistrationForm) -> Validation<RegistrationForm, Self> {
        let RegisterUser {
        } = self;

            .validate("name", &CharCount::MinMax(4, 20))
            .and(password.validate("password", &CharCount::MinMax(6, 20)))
            .and_then(|(username, password)| {
                (password, password2)
                    .validate(("password", "password2"), &MustMatch)
            .and(age.validate("age", &Bound::ClosedRange(13, 199)))
            .map(|((username, (password, password2)), age)| RegisterUser {

let register_user = RegisterUser {
    username: "jane.doe".into(),
    password: "s3cr3t".into(),
    password2: "s3cr3t".into(),
    age: 42,
let original = register_user.clone();

let result = register_user
    .validate((), &RegistrationForm)
    .with_message("validating register user command");

let validated = result.unwrap();

assert_eq!(validated.unwrap(), original);

In terms of boilerplate code there is not much difference to the plain function in the previous example. The code that actually does the validation is exactly the same.

Custom constraints

To implement a custom constraint we first define a struct that represents the constraint. The constraint usually holds parameters of the constraint such as allowed limits. Then we implement the Validate trait for the combination of our new constraint and any type that should be validated for this constraint.

Lets say we have an enum that represents the days of a week.

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Weekday {

For some usage in our application only workdays are allowed. But it depends on some configuration parameter whether saturday is considered a workday or not. So we define the enum Workday with two variants to represent our constraint.

enum Workday {

To be able to validate whether a value of type Weekday is compliant to our Workday constraint we implement the Validate trait for the Weekday enum.

use valid::{Validate, FieldName, Validation, invalid_value};

impl Validate<Workday, FieldName> for Weekday {
    fn validate(self, name: impl Into<FieldName>, constraint: &Workday) -> Validation<Workday, Self> {
        match (&self, constraint) {
            (Weekday::Sunday, _) => Validation::failure(vec![
                invalid_value("invalid-workday-incl-saturday", name, "sunday".to_string(), "monday - friday".to_string())
            (Weekday::Saturday, Workday::ExclSaturday) => Validation::failure(vec![
                invalid_value("invalid-workday-excl-saturday", name, "saturday".to_string(), "monday - friday".to_string())
            (_, _) => Validation::success(self),

Now we can validate some values for being workdays.

let validated = Weekday::Monday.validate("day of release", &Workday::ExclSaturday).result()
    .expect("a valid workday");

assert_eq!(validated.unwrap(), Weekday::Monday);

let result = Weekday::Saturday.validate("day of release", &Workday::ExclSaturday).result();


let result = Weekday::Saturday.validate("day of release", &Workday::InclSaturday).result();


Validation depending on application state

A business rule may require that a certain field must be unique within the application, such as the username in the registration command. Another business rule may require that an operation may be performed only once, such as reverting a financial transaction. These are examples where some state information is needed to validate the business rule. Following the goal of valid to provide one common API and one error type for all kind of validations, it must be possible to validate those kind of business rules as well. Lets have a look at an example.

Lets say we have a command for reverting the booking of a reservation. The command struct may look like this.

struct RevertReservation {
    reservation_id: String,

The constraint for our business rule is that a reservation must not be reverted already.

struct IsNotReverted;

To determine whether a reservation has been reverted already we need a repository that keeps track of the reservations and its state.

mod repo {
    use std::collections::HashMap;

    pub struct ReservationList {
        reverted_reservations: HashMap<String, bool>,

    impl ReservationList {
        pub fn is_reservation_reverted(&self, reservation_code: &str) -> bool {

Now the interesting part. The implementation of the Validate trait. This may look like:

use valid::{State, Validate, Validation, invalid_state};
use repo::ReservationList;

impl<'a> Validate<IsNotReverted, State<&'a ReservationList>> for RevertReservation {
    fn validate(self, context: impl Into<State<&'a ReservationList>>, constraint: &IsNotReverted)
        -> Validation<IsNotReverted, Self>
        let context = context.into();
        if context.is_reservation_reverted(&self.reservation_code) {
            Validation::failure(vec![invalid_state("constraint_violation_reservation_already_reverted", vec![])])
        } else {

let reservation_list = ReservationList::new();

let revert_reservation = RevertReservation {
    reservation_code: "HRS1900123456".into(),
let original_cmd = revert_reservation.clone();

let result = revert_reservation.validate(&reservation_list, &IsNotReverted).result();
let validated = result.expect("validating revert reservation command");

assert_eq!(validated.unwrap(), original_cmd);



Constraints defined by this crate


Property traits



Details about a field.


Represents the field level context for validation functions. Its value is the name of the field to be validated.


Holds details about a constraint violation found by validating a constraint in the RelatedFields context.


Holds details about a constraint violation found by validating a constraint in the State context.


Holds details about a constraint violation found by validating a constraint in the FieldName context.


A key/value pair used as parameter.


Represents a pair of related fields as context for validation functions. It holds the names of the two related fields that are validated.


Represents the state context for validation functions. Its value is the state information needed to execute the validation.


A wrapper type to express that the value of type T has been validated by the constraint C.


State of an ongoing validation.


The error type returned if the validation finds any constraint violation.



Represents a constraint violation found by some validation function.


A Value represents a value of certain type.



The validation function validates whether the given value complies to the specified constraint.



Convenience function to construct a ConstraintViolation for a validation performed in the FieldName context.


Convenience function to construct a ConstraintViolation for a validation performed in the RelatedFields context.


Convenience function to construct a ConstraintViolation for a validation performed in the State context.


Convenience function to construct a ConstraintViolation for a validation performed in the FieldName context.


Convenience function to construct a Parameter.

Type Definitions


Type alias for the validation result for shorter type annotations.