Crate uucore

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Implement GNU-style backup functionality.
All utils return exit with an exit code. Usually, the following scheme is used:
Custom panic hooks that allow silencing certain types of errors.
Parsing a glob Pattern from a string.
Parsing a duration from a string.


Display an error and std::process::exit
Unwrap a std::result::Result, crashing instead of panicking.
Reads a section from a file of the util as a str literal.
Get the usage from the “Usage” section in the help file.
Prompt the user with a formatted string and returns true if they reply 'y' or 'Y'
Display a crate::error::UError and set global exit code.
Show an error to stderr in a similar style to GNU coreutils.
Display an error and set global exit code in error case.
Print a warning message to stderr.
Shorthand to construct UIoError-instances.



Derive the complete execution phrase for “usage”.
Generate the usage string for clap.
Read a line from stdin and check whether the first character is 'y' or 'Y'
Derive the utility name.

Attribute Macros