Crate usvgr

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usvgr (micro SVG) is an SVG simplification tool.

SVG is notoriously hard to parse. usvg presents a layer between an XML library and a potential SVG rendering library. It will parse an input SVG into a strongly-typed tree structure were all the elements, attributes, references and other SVG features are already resolved and presented in a simplest way possible. So a caller doesn’t have to worry about most of the issues related to SVG parsing and can focus just on the rendering part.


  • All supported attributes are resolved. No need to worry about inheritable, implicit and default attributes
  • CSS will be applied
  • Only simple paths
    • Basic shapes (like rect and circle) will be converted into paths
    • Paths contain only absolute MoveTo, LineTo, CurveTo and ClosePath segments. ArcTo, implicit and relative segments will be converted
  • use will be resolved and replaced with the reference content
  • Nested svg will be resolved
  • Invalid, malformed elements will be removed
  • Relative length units (mm, em, etc.) will be converted into pixels/points
  • External images will be loaded
  • Internal, base64 images will be decoded
  • Dummy groups will be removed
  • All references (like #elem and url(#elem)) will be resolved
  • switch will be resolved
  • Text elements, which are probably the hardest part of SVG, will be completely resolved. This includes all the attributes resolving, whitespaces preprocessing (xml:space), text chunks and spans resolving
  • Markers will be converted into regular elements. No need to place them manually
  • All filters are supported. Including filter functions, like filter="contrast(50%)"
  • Recursive elements will be detected an removed


  • Unsupported SVG features will be ignored
  • CSS support is minimal
  • Only static SVG features, e.g. no a, view, cursor, script, no events and no animations


pub use roxmltree;


A collection of SVG filters.
Some useful utilities.


Representation of the preserveAspectRatio attribute.
A generic gradient.
A text character position.
A clip-path element.
A 8-bit RGB color.
An enable-background.
A fill style.
Text font properties.
A group container.
An implementation of hash for Regular Node
A raster image element.
A linear gradient.
A mask element.
A non-zero f64.
An immutable, finite f64 that is known to be > 0.
An immutable, finite f64 in a 0..=1 range.
Processing options.
A path element.
A path bbox representation.
An SVG path data container.
A path segments iterator.
A pattern element.
A 2D point representation.
An immutable, finite f64 that is known to be >= 0.
Use this struct to preload, decode and cache images for the upcoming rendering.
A radial gradient.
A rect representation.
A 2D screen rect representation.
A 2D screen size representation.
A 2D size representation.
Gradient’s stop element.
A stroke style.
A stroke-miterlimit value.
A text element.
A text chunk.
A text span decoration.
A text span decoration style.
A path used by text-on-path.
A text style span.
Representation of the <transform> type.
An iterator over transformed path segments.
A nodes tree container.
View box.


Representation of the align value of the preserveAspectRatio attribute.
An alignment baseline property.
A baseline shift property.
A blending mode property.
A dominant baseline property.
List of all errors.
A fill rule.
Image fit options.
An image rendering method.
A length adjust property.
A line cap.
A line join.
Node’s kind.
A paint style.
Representation of the paint-order property.
A path command.
A path’s absolute segment.
A shape rendering method.
A spread method.
A font stretch property.
A font style property.
A text chunk anchor property.
A text chunk flow property.
A text rendering method.
An element units.
A visibility property.
A writing mode.


A trait for approximate equality comparisons.
ApproxEqUlps is a trait for approximate equality comparisons. The associated type Flt is a floating point type which implements Ulps, and is required so that this trait can be implemented for compound types (e.g. vectors), not just for the floats themselves.
A trait for fuzzy/approximate equality comparisons of float numbers.
A trait for fuzzy/approximate comparisons of float numbers.
Checks that type has a default value.
Checks that the current number is > 0.
Additional Node methods.


Decompresses an SVGZ file.

Type Definitions

Alias for rctree::Node<NodeKind>.
An alias to NormalizedF64.
An alias to NormalizedF64.
An alias to NonZeroPositiveF64.