Crate uniffi

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  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Types that can cross the FFI boundary.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Pack UniFFI interface metadata into byte arrays



  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Support for reading a slice of foreign-language-allocated bytes over the FFI.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Perform a call to a foreign async method C struct that represents the foreign future.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates C struct that represents the result of a foreign future
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Object handle
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Error when trying to lift arguments to pass to the scaffolding call
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Support for passing an allocated-by-Rust buffer of bytes over the FFI.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Represents the success/error of a rust call
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Used when internal/unexpected error happened when calling a foreign callback, for example when a unknown exception is raised


  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Error type for Rust scaffolding calls
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Result of a FFI call to a Rust function Value is signed to avoid Kotlin’s experimental unsigned types.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Result code for rust_future_poll. This is passed to the continuation function.


  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Generalized FFI conversions
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates FfiConverter for Arc-types
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Manage handles for Arc<Self> instances
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Lift values passed by the foreign code over the FFI into Rust values
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Lift references
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Return foreign values to Rust
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Lower Rust values to pass them to the foreign code
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Return Rust error values
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Return Rust values to the foreign code
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Type ID metadata


  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Check whether the uniffi runtime version is compatible a given uniffi_bindgen version.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates A helper function to ensure we don’t read past the end of a buffer.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Handle a scaffolding calls
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Cancel a Rust future
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Complete a Rust future
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Free a Rust future, dropping the strong reference and releasing all references held by the future.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Create a new Handle for a Rust future
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Poll a Rust future
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates This helper allocates a new byte buffer owned by the Rust code, and returns it to the foreign-language code as a RustBuffer struct. Callers must eventually free the resulting buffer, either by explicitly calling uniffi_rustbuffer_free defined below, or by passing ownership of the buffer back into Rust code.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Free a byte buffer that had previously been passed to the foreign language code.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates This helper copies bytes owned by the foreign-language code into a new byte buffer owned by the Rust code, and returns it as a RustBuffer struct. Callers must eventually free the resulting buffer, either by explicitly calling the destructor defined below, or by passing ownership of the buffer back into Rust code.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Reserve additional capacity in a byte buffer that had previously been passed to the foreign language code.

Type Aliases§

Attribute Macros§

Derive Macros§