Type Alias ul_next_sys::JSObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback

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pub type JSObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(ctx: JSContextRef, object: JSObjectRef, propertyNames: JSPropertyNameAccumulatorRef)>;
Expand description

@typedef JSObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback @abstract The callback invoked when collecting the names of an object’s properties. @param ctx The execution context to use. @param object The JSObject whose property names are being collected. @param propertyNames A JavaScript property name accumulator in which to accumulate the names of object’s properties. @discussion If you named your function GetPropertyNames, you would declare it like this:

void GetPropertyNames(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSPropertyNameAccumulatorRef propertyNames);

Property name accumulators are used by JSObjectCopyPropertyNames and JavaScript for…in loops.

Use JSPropertyNameAccumulatorAddName to add property names to accumulator. A class’s getPropertyNames callback only needs to provide the names of properties that the class vends through a custom getProperty or setProperty callback. Other properties, including statically declared properties, properties vended by other classes, and properties belonging to object’s prototype, are added independently.

Aliased Type§

enum JSObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback {
    Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *const OpaqueJSContext, _: *mut OpaqueJSValue, _: *mut OpaqueJSPropertyNameAccumulator)),




No value.


Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *const OpaqueJSContext, _: *mut OpaqueJSValue, _: *mut OpaqueJSPropertyNameAccumulator))

Some value of type T.