Function ul_next_sys::ulViewConfigSetIsAccelerated

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn ulViewConfigSetIsAccelerated(
    config: ULViewConfig,
    is_accelerated: bool,
Expand description

Set whether to render using the GPU renderer (accelerated) or the CPU renderer (unaccelerated).

This option is only valid if you’re managing the Renderer yourself (eg, you’ve previously called ulCreateRenderer() instead of ulCreateApp()).

When true, the View will be rendered to an offscreen GPU texture using the GPU driver set in ulPlatformSetGPUDriver(). You can fetch details for the texture via ulViewGetRenderTarget().

When false (the default), the View will be rendered to an offscreen pixel buffer using the multithreaded CPU renderer. This pixel buffer can optionally be provided by the user– for more info see ulViewGetSurface().