Crate udigest

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§Unambiguously digest structured data

udigest provides utilities for unambiguous hashing the structured data. Structured data can be anything that implements Digestable trait:

  • str, String, CStr, CString
  • Integers: i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, char, isize, usize
  • Containers: Box, Arc, Rc, Cow, Option, Result
  • Collections: arrays, slices, Vec, LinkedList, VecDeque, BTreeSet, BTreeMap

The trait is intentionally not implemented for certain types:

  • HashMap, HashSet as they can not be traversed in deterministic order

The Digestable trait can be implemented for the struct using a macro:

struct Person {
    name: String,
    job_title: String,   
let alice = Person {
    name: "Alice".into(),
    job_title: "cryptographer".into(),

let hash = udigest::hash::<sha2::Sha256>(&alice);

The crate intentionally does not try to follow any existing standards for unambiguous encoding. The format for encoding was designed specifically for udigest to provide a better usage experience in Rust. The details of encoding format can be found in encoding module.


  • digest enables support of hash functions that implement digest traits
    If feature is not enabled, the crate is still usable via Digestable trait that generically implements unambiguous encoding
  • inline-struct is required to use inline_struct! macro
  • std implements Digestable trait for types in standard library
  • alloc implements Digestable trait for type in alloc crate
  • derive enables Digestable proc macro

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  • Provides utilities for custom digesting rules
  • Unambiguous encoding
  • inline_structinline-struct
    Digestable inline structs



  • Wrapper for a bytestring


  • A value that can be unambiguously digested


  • hashdigest
    Digests a structured value using fixed-output hash function (like sha2-256)
  • hash_iterdigest
    Digests a list of structured data using fixed-output hash function (like sha2-256)
  • hash_vofdigest
    Digests a structured value using variable-output hash function (like blake2b)
  • Digests a list of structured data using variable-output hash function (like blake2b)
  • hash_xofdigest
    Digests a structured value using extendable-output hash function (like shake-256)
  • Digests a list of structured data using extendable-output hash function (like shake-256)

Derive Macros§