pub unsafe extern "C" fn ucl_object_replace_key(
    top: *mut ucl_object_t,
    elt: *mut ucl_object_t,
    key: *const c_char,
    keylen: usize,
    copy_key: bool
) -> bool
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Replace a object ‘elt’ to the hash ‘top’ and associate it with key ‘key’, old object will be unrefed, if no object has been found this function works like ucl_object_insert_key() @param top destination object (must be of type UCL_OBJECT) @param elt element to insert (must NOT be NULL) @param key key to associate with this object (either const or preallocated) @param keylen length of the key (or 0 for NULL terminated keys) @param copy_key make an internal copy of key @return true if key has been inserted