Crate uber_api

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§Uber API

§uber_api is a crate that has the relevant DaaS endpoints to make Uber Direct API calls. This allows you to call the relevant API you want and not have to worry about how Uber wants to receive and handle the data.

  • The functions state which API can be called, the full documentation of that endpoint along with all the parameters needed for it, the complete Uber Direct docs - last updated 9/2/2023 - can be found within each function. The general flow is that each endpoint takes a request struct as its parameter. The docs for the direct parameters are also shown at each request struct. Create the request struct with the relevant information and simply pass that into the function to call the Uber Direct API.

  • At the time of creation, access to these APIs may require written approval from Uber. Once successful, they will provide you with the relevant customer_id, client_id, and client_secret needed for Authentication.

If you want to test that your authentication codes work, an example has been setup for you to run. Clone the repo: Uber API and run the main file, ensuring you pass in the relevant auth fields as parameters

Example: cargo run -- --customer-id="1234" --client-id="xyz" --client-secret="xyz"




  • Error enum for all cases of internal/external errors occurring during client execution


  • Retrieve access token for authenticated user
  • Cancel an ongoing or previously scheduled delivery.
  • Create a delivery between two addresses.
  • Create a quote to check deliverability, validity and cost for delivery between two addresses.
  • Retrieve the current status of an existing delivery
  • Response Body Parameters
  • Return a Proof-of-Delivery (P.O.D.) File if verification requirement given in create delivery request
  • Modify an ongoing delivery.