Crate u8g2_fonts

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This crate is a pure Rust reimplementation of the font subsystem of U8g2.

It is intended for the embedded-graphics ecosystem.


While this crate is MIT / Apache-2.0 licensed, note that the fonts themselves are not.

For more information about the font licenses, read the license agreement of U8g2.

Crate features

Additional features can be enabled by adding the following features to your Cargo.toml.


This crate supports two text renderers:

Everything below this will be about FontRenderer. For more information about text rendering through embedded_graphics, read the embedded-graphics font rendering documentation. The intention of U8g2TextStyle is to replace MonoTextStyle.


The central struct in this crate is the FontRenderer. It can render one specific font.

A FontRenderer can be constructed through FontRenderer::new(). Its generic argument Font specifies which font it will render.

Note that FontRenderer::new() is const, so it can be crated as a global variable at compile time for optimal performance.


The fonts are directly imported from U8g2.

More information about all the available fonts can be found in the U8g2 wiki.

Content Types

Once constructed, the FontRenderer can render the following objects:

  • Characters: 'a'
  • Strings: "Hello world!"
  • Format Strings: format_args!("Nice: {}", 69)

Positioning and Alignment

The FontRenderer::render() allows for basic vertical positioning. Horizontally, it renders exactly like specified in the font.

For more advanced usecases, use the FontRenderer::render_aligned() method. It further allows for horizontal alignment through an aditional parameter.

Bounding Box Calculation

Additional to the render() and render_aligned() methods, there is also get_rendered_dimensions() and get_rendered_dimensions_aligned().

Those functions behave almost identical to their render counterparts, but don’t actually perform any rendering. This can be very useful if the dimensions of the text are required for other drawing operations prior to the actual text rendering.

Colors and Backgrounds

While a foreground color must always be specified for rendering a font, there is also the option to set a background color. This is mainly for monospace fonts.

Note that many fonts do not actually support rendering with a background color (due to occlusions). Supplying a background color to a font that doesn’t support it causes a runtime error.


let font = FontRenderer::new::<fonts::u8g2_font_haxrcorp4089_t_cyrillic>();

    format_args!("Answer: {}", 42),
    display.bounding_box().center() + Point::new(0, 16),
    &mut display,




  • All possible errors a draw call can cause.
  • All possible errors a non-draw call can cause.
