Crate typed_sled

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typed-sled - a database build on top of sled.

sled is a high-performance embedded database with an API that is similar to a BTreeMap<[u8], [u8]>.
typed-sled builds on top of sled and offers an API that is similar to a BTreeMap<K, V>, where K and V are user defined types which implement Deserialize and Serialize.


Multiple features for common use cases are also available:

  • [search]: SearchEngine on top of a Tree.
  • [key_generating]: Create Trees with automatically generated keys.
  • [convert]: Convert any Tree into another Tree with different key and value types.
  • custom_serde: Create Trees with custom (de)serialization. This for example makes lazy or zero-copy (de)serialization possible.


use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
struct SomeValue(u32);

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Creating a temporary sled database.
    // If you want to persist the data use sled::open instead.
    let db = sled::Config::new().temporary(true).open().unwrap();

    // The id is used by sled to identify which Tree in the database (db) to open
    let tree = typed_sled::Tree::<String, SomeValue>::open(&db, "unique_id");

    tree.insert(&"some_key".to_owned(), &SomeValue(10))?;

    assert_eq!(tree.get(&"some_key".to_owned())?, Some(SomeValue(10)));


Support for custom (de)serialization.


Compare and swap error.
Top-level configuration for the system.
A flash-sympathetic persistent lock-free B+ tree.



Trait alias for bounds required on keys and values. For now only types that implement DeserializeOwned are supported.


The function which is used to deserialize all keys and values.
Opens a Db with a default configuration at the specified path. This will create a new storage directory at the specified path if it does not already exist. You can use the Db::was_recovered method to determine if your database was recovered from a previous instance. You can use Config::create_new if you want to increase the chances that the database will be freshly created.
The function which is used to serialize all keys and values.