Crate typed_path

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Typed Path CI RustC 1.58.1+

Provides typed variants of Path and PathBuf for Unix and Windows.


typed-path = "0.2"


Some applications need to manipulate Windows or UNIX paths on different platforms, for a variety of reasons: constructing portable file formats, parsing files from other platforms, handling archive formats, working with certain network protocols, and so on.

– Josh Triplett

Check out this issue of a discussion for this. The functionality actually exists within the standard library, but is not exposed!

This means that parsing a path like C:\path\to\file.txt will be parsed differently by std::path::Path depending on which platform you are on!

use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    // On Windows, this prints out:
    // * Prefix(PrefixComponent { raw: "C:", parsed: Disk(67) })
    // * RootDir
    // * Normal("path")
    // * Normal("to")
    // * Normal("file.txt")]
    // But on Unix, this prints out:
    // * Normal("C:\\path\\to\\file.txt")


Byte paths

The library provides a generic Path<T> and PathBuf<T> that use [u8] and Vec<u8> underneath instead of OsStr and OsString. An encoding generic type is provided to dictate how the underlying bytes are parsed in order to support consistent path functionality no matter what operating system you are compiling against!

use typed_path::WindowsPath;

fn main() {
    // On all platforms, this prints out:
    // * Prefix(PrefixComponent { raw: "C:", parsed: Disk(67) })
    // * RootDir
    // * Normal("path")
    // * Normal("to")
    // * Normal("file.txt")]

UTF8-enforced paths

Alongside the byte paths, this library also supports UTF8-enforced paths through UTF8Path<T> and UTF8PathBuf<T>, which internally use str and String. An encoding generic type is provided to dictate how the underlying characters are parsed in order to support consistent path functionality no matter what operating system you are compiling against!

use typed_path::Utf8WindowsPath;

fn main() {
    // On all platforms, this prints out:
    // * Prefix(Utf8WindowsPrefixComponent { raw: "C:", parsed: Disk(67) })
    // * RootDir
    // * Normal("path")
    // * Normal("to")
    // * Normal("file.txt")]


This project is licensed under either of

Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or apache-license) MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or mit-license) at your option.



An iterator over Path and its ancestors.
Helper struct for safely printing paths with format! and {}.
An iterator over the Components of a Path, as [[u8]] slices.
A slice of a path (akin to str).
An owned, mutable path that mirrors std::path::PathBuf, but operatings using an Encoding to determine how to parse the underlying bytes.
An error returned if the prefix was not found.
Represents a Unix-specific Encoding
An iterator over Utf8Path and its ancestors.
An iterator over the Utf8Components of a Utf8Path, as str slices.
A slice of a path (akin to str).
An owned, mutable path that mirrors std::path::PathBuf, but operatings using a Utf8Encoding to determine how to parse the underlying str.
Represents a Unix-specific Utf8Encoding
Represents a Windows-specific Utf8Encoding
Represents a Windows-specific Encoding


Interface representing a component in a Path
Interface of an iterator over a collection of Components
Interface to provide meaning to a byte slice such that paths can be derived
Interface to try to perform a cheap reference-to-reference conversion.
Interface representing a component in a Utf8Path
Interface of an iterator over a collection of Utf8Components
Interface to provide meaning to a byte slice such that paths can be derived

Type Definitions

Path that is native to the platform during compilation
PathBuf that is native to the platform during compilation
Represents a Unix-specific Path
Represents a Unix-specific PathBuf
Utf8Path that is native to the platform during compilation
Utf8PathBuf that is native to the platform during compilation
Represents a Unix-specific Utf8Path
Represents a Unix-specific Utf8PathBuf
Represents a Windows-specific Utf8Path
Represents a Windows-specific Utf8PathBuf
Represents a Windows-specific Path
Represents a Windows-specific PathBuf