[][src]Crate typed_index_collections

The typed-index-collections crate provides TiSlice and TiVec structs that are typed index versions of the Rust slice and std::vec::Vec types.


When dealing with slices and vectors it is not safe to index all arrays with type-unsafe usizes as indices. Using slice and vector indexing might be useful in Data Oriented Design, when using Struct of Arrays, or when Rc and Weak usage is undesirable.


This crate provides typed index version of slice and std::vec::Vec types with custom index type. Containers only require the index to implement Index trait. If default feature impl-index-from is enabled, this trait is automatically implemented when From<usize> and Into<usize> are implemented. And their implementation can be easily done with derive_more crate and #[derive(From, Into)].

The TiSlice and TiVec structs are only wrappers around Rust slice and std::vec::Vec structs with custom index type and exposed raw property with original struct. They can be easily converted to matched Rust containers using From and Into traits. The structs mirrors the stable API of Rust slice and std::vec::Vec and forwards to it as much as possible.


First, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

typed-index-collections = "0.1.1"

This crate depends on the standard library by default that is useful for debugging and for some extra functionality. To use this crate in a #![no_std] context, use default-features = false in your Cargo.toml as shown below:

version = "0.1.1"
default-features = false
features = ["alloc", "impl-index-from"]

If you want to use derive_more for From<usize> and Into<usize> implementation add it to your Cargo.toml as shown below:

derive_more = "0.99"
typed-index-collections = "0.1.1"


Simple example with derive_more:

use typed_index_collections::TiVec;
use derive_more::{From, Into};

#[derive(From, Into)]
struct FooId(usize);

let mut foos: TiVec<FooId, usize> = std::vec![10, 11, 13].into();
foos.insert(FooId(2), 12);
assert_eq!(foos[FooId(2)], 12);

Another example with derive_more:

use typed_index_collections::{TiSlice, TiVec};
use derive_more::{From, Into};

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, From, Into, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct FooId(usize);

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, From, Into, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct BarId(usize);

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Foo {
    value: usize,

let first = Foo { value: 1 };
let second = Foo { value: 2 };

let slice_ref = &[first, second][..];
let vec = std::vec![first, second];
let boxed_slice = std::vec![first, second].into_boxed_slice();

let typed_index_slice_ref: &TiSlice<FooId, Foo> = slice_ref.into();
let typed_index_vec: TiVec<FooId, Foo> = vec.into();
let typed_index_boxed_slice: std::boxed::Box<TiSlice<FooId, Foo>> = boxed_slice.into();

assert_eq!(typed_index_vec[FooId(1)], second);
assert_eq!(typed_index_vec.raw[1], second);
assert_eq!(typed_index_vec.last(), Some(&second));
assert_eq!(typed_index_vec.last_key_value(), Some((FooId(1), &second)));
    Some((FooId(0), &first))
// assert_eq!(vec[BarId(1)], second); // won't compile with incompable index

let _slice_ref: &[Foo] = typed_index_slice_ref.into();
let _vec: std::vec::Vec<Foo> = typed_index_vec.into();
let _boxed_slice: std::boxed::Box<[Foo]> = typed_index_boxed_slice.into();

Feature Flags

  • impl-index-from (enabled by default) — Enables automatic Index trait implementation for types that implement From<usize> and Into<usize>.
  • alloc (enabled by default) — Enables types and functions which require memory allocation.
  • std (enabled by default) — Enables all std features such as memory allocations and std::error::Error trait.
  • serde — Implements Serialize and Deserialize traits for slice type.
  • serde-alloc — Enable alloc and serde/alloc features.
  • serde-std — Enable std and serde/std features.

Similar crates

  • typed_index_collection provides a Vec wrapper with a very limited API. Indices are u32 wrappers, they are not customizable and can only index a specific type of container.
  • indexed_vec is the closest copy of the IndexVec struct from librustc_index, but API is also different from standard Rust std::vec::Vec and it has no typed index slice alternative.
  • index_vec have both slice and std::vec::Vec wrapper and API closer to standard API. But it implicitly allows you to use usize for get methods and index expressions that reduce type-safety, and the macro define_index_type! which is used to generate a newtyped index struct, implicitly implements a lot of traits that would be better implemented only when necessary using crates intended for this, such as derive_more.


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A dynamically-sized view into a contiguous sequence of T that only accepts keys of the type K.


A contiguous growable array type that only accepts keys of the type K.



A trait for TiSlice and TiVec indeces.


A helper trait used to convert typed index ranges to usize ranges. The trait is implemented for Rust's built-in range types with Index used as bound endpoints.


A helper trait used for indexing operations.

Type Definitions


An iterator over all key-value pairs.


An iterator over all keys.


An iterator wrapper for iterators that yields TiSlice subslice mutable references.


An iterator wrapper for iterators that yields TiSlice subslice references.