[][src]Trait typed_html::dom::Element

pub trait Element<T: OutputType>: Node<T> {
    fn name() -> &'static str;
fn attribute_names() -> &'static [&'static str];
fn required_children() -> &'static [&'static str];
fn attributes(&self) -> Vec<(&'static str, String)>; }

Trait for querying a typed HTML element.

All HTML elements implement this.

Required methods

fn name() -> &'static str

Get the name of the element.

fn attribute_names() -> &'static [&'static str]

Get a list of the attribute names for this element.

This includes only the typed attributes, not any data- attributes defined on this particular element instance.

This is probably not useful unless you're the html! macro.

fn required_children() -> &'static [&'static str]

Get a list of the element names of required children for this element.

This is probably not useful unless you're the html! macro.

fn attributes(&self) -> Vec<(&'static str, String)>

Get a list of the defined attribute pairs for this element.

This will convert attribute values into strings and return a vector of key/value pairs.

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impl<T> Element<T> for a<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for abbr<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for address<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for area<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for article<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for aside<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for audio<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for b<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for base<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for bdi<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for bdo<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for blink<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for blockquote<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for body<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for br<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for button<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for canvas<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for caption<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for cite<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for code<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for col<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for colgroup<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for data<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for datalist<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for dd<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for del<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for details<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for dfn<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for div<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for dl<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for dt<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for em<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for embed<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for fieldset<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for figcaption<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for figure<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for footer<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for form<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for h1<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for h2<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for h3<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for h4<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for h5<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for h6<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for head<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for header<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for hgroup<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for hr<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for html<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for i<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for iframe<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for img<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for input<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for ins<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for kbd<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for label<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for legend<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for li<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for link<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for main<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for map<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for mark<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for marquee<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for meta<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for meter<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for nav<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for noscript<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for object<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for ol<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for optgroup<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for option<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for output<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for p<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for param<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for pre<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for progress<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for q<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for ruby<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for s<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for samp<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for script<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for section<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for select<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for small<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for source<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for span<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for strong<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for style<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for sub<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for summary<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for sup<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for table<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for tbody<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for td<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for template<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for textarea<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for tfoot<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for th<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for thead<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for time<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for title<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for tr<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for track<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for ul<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for var<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for video<T> where
    T: OutputType

impl<T> Element<T> for wbr<T> where
    T: OutputType

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