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Fundamental data types and type constructors, like Single, Pair, Many.

Module :: type_constructor

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Fundamental data types and type constructors, like Single, Pair, Homopair, Many.

In Rust, you often need to wrap a given type into a new one. The role of the orphan rules in particular is basically to prevent you from implementing external traits for external types. To overcome the restriction developer usually wrap the external type into a tuple introducing a new type. Type constructor does exactly that and auto-implement traits From, Into, Deref and few more for the constructed type.

Besides type constructor for single element there are type constructors for pair, homopair and many:

  • Single to wrap single element.
  • Pair to wrap pair of distinct elements.
  • HomoPair to wrap pair of elements with the same type.
  • Many to wrap Vec of elements.

Macro types for type constructing

The same macro types is responsible for generating code for Single, Pair, Homopair, Many. Each type constructor has its own keyword for that, but Pair and Homopair use the same keyword difference in a number of constituent types. It is possible to define all types at once.

#[ cfg( feature = "types" ) ]
  use type_constructor::prelude::*;


    single MySingle : f32;
    single SingleWithParametrized : std::sync::Arc< T : Copy >;
    single SingleWithParameter : < T >;

    pair MyPair : f32;
    pair PairWithParametrized : std::sync::Arc< T1 : Copy >, std::sync::Arc< T2 : Copy >;
    pair PairWithParameter : < T1, T2 >;

    pair MyHomoPair : f32;
    pair HomoPairWithParametrized : std::sync::Arc< T : Copy >;
    pair HomoPairWithParameter : < T >;

    many MyMany : f32;
    many ManyWithParametrized : std::sync::Arc< T : Copy >;
    many ManyWithParameter : < T >;


It generates more than 1000 lines of code, which otherwise you would have to write manually.

Without macro

Macro types is exposed to generate new types, but in some cases, it is enough to reuse already generated types of such kind. The library ships such types: Single, Pair, Homopair, Many. Note: If you avoid generating new types you will get in a position to be not able to define your own implementation of foreign traits because of orphan rule.

let i32_in_tuple = type_constructor::Single::< i32 >::from( 13 );
dbg!( i32_in_tuple );
// i32_in_tuple = Single( 13 )
let i32_and_f32_in_tuple = type_constructor::Pair::< i32, f32 >::from( ( 13, 13.0 ) );
dbg!( i32_and_f32_in_tuple );
// vec_of_i32_in_tuple = Pair( 13, 13.0 )
let two_i32_in_tuple = type_constructor::HomoPair::< i32 >::from( ( 13, 31 ) );
dbg!( two_i32_in_tuple );
// vec_of_i32_in_tuple = HomoPair( 13, 31 )
let vec_of_i32_in_tuple = type_constructor::Many::< i32 >::from( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
dbg!( vec_of_i32_in_tuple );
// vec_of_i32_in_tuple = Many([ 1, 2, 3 ])


Make is the variadic constructor. It’s the unified interface of the arbitrary-length constructor. After implementing several traits Make0, Make1 up to MakeN one can use make make! to construct instances.

#[ cfg( feature = "make" ) ]
  use type_constructor::prelude::*;

  let instance1 : Struct1 = make!();
  let instance2 : Struct1 = make!( 13 );
  let instance3 : Struct1 = make!( 1, 3 );


Sample :: single-line single.

To define your own single-use macro types!. The single-line definition looks like that.

use type_constructor::prelude::*;
types!( single MySingle : i32 );
let x = MySingle( 13 );
println!( "x : {}", x.0 );

It generates code:

use type_constructor::prelude::*;

pub struct MySingle( pub i32 );

impl core::ops::Deref for MySingle
  type Target = i32;
  fn deref( &self ) -> &Self::Target
impl From< i32 > for MySingle
  fn from( src : i32 ) -> Self
    Self( src )
impl From< MySingle > for i32
  fn from( src : MySingle ) -> Self

let x = MySingle( 13 );
println!( "x : {}", x.0 );

Sample :: single with derives and attributes.

It’s possible to define attributes as well as derives.

use type_constructor::prelude::*;
  /// This is also attribute and macro understands it.
  #[ derive( Debug ) ]
  single MySingle : i32;
let x = MySingle( 13 );
dbg!( x );

It generates code:

use type_constructor::prelude::*;

/// This is also an attribute and macro understands it.
#[ derive( Debug ) ]
pub struct MySingle( pub i32 );

impl core::ops::Deref for MySingle
  type Target = i32;
  fn deref( &self ) -> &Self::Target
impl From< i32 > for MySingle
  fn from( src : i32 ) -> Self
    Self( src )
impl From< MySingle > for i32
  fn from( src : MySingle ) -> Self

let x = MySingle( 13 );
dbg!( x );

Sample :: single with struct instead of macro.

Sometimes it’s sufficient to use a common type instead of defining a brand new one. You may use parameterized struct Single< T > instead of macro types! if that is the case.

use type_constructor::prelude::*;
let x = Single::< i32 >( 13 );
dbg!( x );

Sample :: single with a parametrized element.

Element of tuple could be parametrized.

use type_constructor::prelude::*;
  #[ derive( Debug ) ]
  single MySingle : std::sync::Arc< T : Copy >;
let x = MySingle( std::sync::Arc::new( 13 ) );
dbg!( x );

It generates code:

use type_constructor::*;

#[ derive( Debug ) ]
pub struct MySingle< T : Copy >( pub std::sync::Arc< T > );

impl<T: Copy> core::ops::Deref for MySingle< T >
  type Target = std::sync::Arc< T >;
  fn deref( &self ) -> &Self::Target
impl< T : Copy > From< std::sync::Arc< T > > for MySingle< T >
  fn from( src : std::sync::Arc<T>) -> Self {
    Self( src )
impl< T : Copy > From< MySingle< T > > for std::sync::Arc< T >
  fn from(src: MySingle<T>) -> Self

let x = MySingle( std::sync::Arc::new( 13 ) );

Sample :: single with parametrized tuple.

Instead of parametrizing the element, it’s possible to define a parametrized tuple.

use type_constructor::prelude::*;
  #[ derive( Debug ) ]
  single MySingle : < T : Copy >;
let x = MySingle( 13 );
dbg!( x );

It gererates code:

#[ derive( Debug ) ]
pub struct MySingle< T : Copy >( pub T );

impl< T : Copy > core::ops::Deref
for MySingle< T >
  type Target = T;
  fn deref( &self ) -> &Self::Target

impl< T : Copy > From< T >
for MySingle< T >
  fn from( src : T ) -> Self
    Self( src )

let x = MySingle( 13 );
dbg!( 13 );

Sample :: single-line pair

Sometimes you need to wrap more than a single element into a tupдe. If types of elements are different use pair. The same macro types is responsible for generating code for both single, pair and also many.

use type_constructor::prelude::*;

types!( pair MyPair : i32, i64 );
let x = MyPair( 13, 31 );
println!( "x : ( {}, {} )", x.0, x.1 );
// prints : x : ( 13, 31 )

It generates code:

Sample :: pair with parameters

Just like single pair may have parameters.

use type_constructor::prelude::*;

use core::fmt;
  #[ derive( Debug ) ]
  pair MyPair : < T1 : fmt::Debug, T2 : fmt::Debug >;
let x = MyPair( 13, 13.0 );
dbg!( x );
// prints : x = MyPair( 13, 13.0 )

It generates code:

use type_constructor::prelude::*;
use core::fmt;

pub struct MyPair< T1 : fmt::Debug, T2 : fmt::Debug >( pub T1, pub T2 );

#[ automatically_derived ]
#[ allow( unused_qualifications ) ]
impl< T1 : ::core::fmt::Debug + fmt::Debug, T2 : ::core::fmt::Debug + fmt::Debug > ::core::fmt::Debug for MyPair< T1, T2 >
  fn fmt( &self, f : &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter ) -> ::core::fmt::Result
    match *self
      MyPair( ref __self_0_0, ref __self_0_1 ) =>
        let debug_trait_builder = &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter::debug_tuple( f, "MyPair" );
        let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugTuple::field( debug_trait_builder, &&( *__self_0_0 ) );
        let _ = ::core::fmt::DebugTuple::field( debug_trait_builder, &&( *__self_0_1 ) );
        ::core::fmt::DebugTuple::finish( debug_trait_builder )

impl< T1 : fmt::Debug, T2 : fmt::Debug > From<( T1, T2 )> for MyPair< T1, T2 >
  fn from( src : ( T1, T2 ) ) -> Self { Self( src.0, src.1 ) }

impl< T1 : fmt::Debug, T2 : fmt::Debug > From< MyPair< T1, T2 > > for ( T1, T2 )
  fn from( src : MyPair< T1, T2 > ) -> Self { ( src.0, src.1 ) }

#[ cfg( feature = "make" ) ]
impl< T1 : fmt::Debug, T2 : fmt::Debug > Make0 for MyPair< T1, T2 >
  T1 : Default,
  T2 : Default,
  fn make_0() -> Self { Self( Default::default(), Default::default() ) }

#[ cfg( feature = "make" ) ]
impl< T1 : fmt::Debug, T2 : fmt::Debug > Make2< T1, T2 > for MyPair< T1, T2 >
  fn make_2( _0 : T1, _1 : T2 ) -> Self { Self( _0, _1 ) }

let x = MyPair( 13, 13.0 );
dbg!( x );
// prints : x = MyPair( 13, 13.0 )

Sample :: single-line homopair

If you need to wrap pair of elements with the same type use the type constructor pair. The same type constructor pair for both pair and homopair, difference in number of types in definition, homopair has only one, because both its element has the same type. The same macro types is responsible for generating code for both single, pair and also many.

use type_constructor::prelude::*;

types!( pair MyPair : i32, i64 );
let x = MyPair( 13, 31 );
println!( "x : ( {}, {} )", x.0, x.1 );
// prints : x : ( 13, 31 )

It gererates code:

use type_constructor::prelude::*;

pub struct MyPair( pub i32, pub i64 );

impl From< ( i32, i64 ) > for MyPair
  fn from( src : ( i32, i64 ) ) -> Self { Self( src.0, src.1 ) }

impl From< MyPair > for ( i32, i64 )
  fn from( src : MyPair ) -> Self { ( src.0, src.1 ) }

#[ cfg( feature = "make" ) ]
impl Make2< i32, i64 > for MyPair
  fn make_2( _0 : i32, _1 : i64 ) -> Self { Self( _0, _1 ) }

let x = MyPair( 13, 31 );
println!( "x : ( {}, {} )", x.0, x.1 );

Sample :: homopair with parameters

Unlike heteropair homopair has much more traits implemented for it. Among such are: clone_as_tuple, clone_as_array to clone it as either tuple or array, as_tuple, as_array, as_slice to reinterpret it as either tuple or array or slice, traits From/Into are implemented to convert it from/into tuple, array, slice, scalar.

use type_constructor::prelude::*;

use core::fmt;
  #[ derive( Debug ) ]
  pair MyHomoPair : < T : fmt::Debug >;
let x = MyHomoPair( 13, 31 );
dbg!( &x );
// prints : &x = MyHomoPair( 13, 31 )
let clone_as_array : [ i32 ; 2 ] = x.clone_as_array();
dbg!( &clone_as_array );
// prints : &clone_as_array = [ 13, 31 ]
let clone_as_tuple : ( i32 , i32 ) = x.clone_as_tuple();
dbg!( &clone_as_tuple );
// prints : &clone_as_tuple = ( 13, 31 )

It gererates code:

Sample :: single-line many

Use type constructor many to wrap Vec in a tuple. Similar to single it has essential traits implemented for it.

use type_constructor::prelude::*;

types!( many MyMany : i32 );
let x = MyMany::from( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
println!( "x : {:?}", x.0 );

It generates code:

Sample :: make - variadic constructor

Implement traits Make0, Make1 up to MakeN to provide the interface to construct your structure with a different set of arguments. In this example structure, Struct1 could be constructed either without arguments, with a single argument, or with two arguments.

  • Constructor without arguments fills fields with zero.
  • Constructor with a single argument sets both fields to the value of the argument.
  • Constructor with 2 arguments set individual values of each field.
#[ cfg( feature = "make" ) ]
  use type_constructor::prelude::*;

  #[ derive( Debug, PartialEq ) ]
  struct Struct1
    a : i32,
    b : i32,

  impl Make0 for Struct1
    fn make_0() -> Self
      Self { a : 0, b : 0 }

  impl Make1< i32 > for Struct1
    fn make_1( val : i32 ) -> Self
      Self { a : val, b : val }

  impl Make2< i32, i32 > for Struct1
    fn make_2( val1 : i32, val2 : i32 ) -> Self
      Self { a : val1, b : val2 }

  let got : Struct1 = make!();
  let exp = Struct1{ a : 0, b : 0 };
  assert_eq!( got, exp );

  let got : Struct1 = make!( 13 );
  let exp = Struct1{ a : 13, b : 13 };
  assert_eq!( got, exp );

  let got : Struct1 = make!( 1, 3 );
  let exp = Struct1{ a : 1, b : 3 };
  assert_eq!( got, exp );

To add to your project

cargo add type_constructor

Try out from the repository

git clone https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools
cd wTools
cd sample/rust/type_constructor_trivial_sample
cargo run


pub use super::internal::_many;
pub use super::internal::_pair;
pub use super::internal::_single;
pub use super::internal::make;
pub use super::internal::_many;
pub use super::internal::_pair;
pub use super::internal::_single;
pub use super::internal::make;
pub use super::internal::_many;
pub use super::internal::_pair;
pub use super::internal::_single;
pub use super::internal::make;


Exposed namespace of the module.

Variadic constructor.

Type constructor of many.

Orphan namespace of the module.

Type constructor of pair.

Prelude to use essentials: use my_module::prelude::*.

Protected namespace of the module.

Type constructor of single.

Generic traits.

Type constructors.


Type constructor of many.

Pair type constructor.

Type constructor of single.

Variadic constructor.

Type constructor to define tuple wrapping a given type.


Type constructor to wrap pair of the same type.

Type constructor to wrap a another type into a tuple.

Type constructor to wrap two types into a tuple.

Type constructor to wrap a another type into a tuple.


Reinterpret as array.

Reinterpret as slice.

Reinterpret as tuple.

Clone as array.

Clone as tuple.

Constructor without arguments.

Constructor with single argument.

Constructor with two arguments.

Constructor with three arguments.