Crate tx5_go_pion

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Higher level rust bindings to the go pion webrtc library.

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License: MIT License: Apache-2.0


Re-exported dependencies.


Configuration for a go pion webrtc PeerConnection answer.
A go pion webrtc DataChannel.
Configuration for a go pion webrtc DataChannel.
A precursor go pion webrtc DataChannel, awaiting an event handler.
Tx5 core error type.
A bytes.Buffer managed in go memory. Rust can only access go memory safely during a callback.
ICE server configuration.
Tx5 32-byte identifier.
Configuration for a go pion webrtc PeerConnection offer.
A go pion webrtc PeerConnection.
Configuration for a go pion webrtc PeerConnection.


Incoming events related to a DataChannel.
A type that references a GoBuf either directly or through serialization.
Incoming events related to a PeerConnection.


Extension trait to extract a name from a Tx5 core error type.

Type Definitions

A specialized Result type for I/O operations.