Module twitch_api2::helix[][src]

This is supported on crate feature helix only.
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Helix endpoints or the New Twitch API

Aside from using HelixClient as described on the crate documentation, you can decide to use this library without any specific client implementation.

use twitch_api2::helix::{self, Request, RequestGet, users::{GetUsersRequest, User}};

let request = GetUsersRequest::builder()

// Send it however you want
// Create a [`http::Response<Vec<u8>>`] with RequestGet::create_request, which takes an access token and a client_id
let response = send_http_request(request.create_request("accesstoken", "client_id")?)?;

// then parse the response
let uri = request.get_uri()?;
let user: helix::Response<_, Vec<User>> = GetUsersRequest::parse_response(Some(request), &uri,response)?;
println!("{:#?}", user);


pub use twitch_oauth2::Scope;


Helix endpoints regarding bits

Helix endpoints regarding channels

Helix endpoints regarding chat

Helix endpoints regarding clips


Helix endpoints regarding EventSub

Helix endpoints regarding games

Helix endpoints regarding hype trains

Helix endpoints regarding moderation

Helix endpoints regarding channel points/redeems

Helix endpoints regarding channel polls

Helix endpoints regarding channel predictions

Helix endpoints regarding stream schedules

Helix endpoints regarding search

Helix endpoints regarding streams

Helix endpoints regarding subscriptions

Helix endpoints regarding tags

Helix endpoints regarding subscriptions

Helix endpoints regarding users

Helix endpoints regarding videos


Endpoints and topics for webhooks


A cursor is a pointer to the current “page” in the twitch api pagination

A reference to a borrowed Cursor

An empty body.

Client for Helix or the New Twitch API

Response retrieved from endpoint. Data is the type in Request::Response


Errors that can happen when creating a body

Errors for HelixClient::req_get and similar functions.

Could not create request

Could not parse DELETE response

Could not parse GET response

Could not parse PATCH response

Could not parse POST response

Could not parse PUT response

Errors that can happen when creating http::Uri for Request

Errors from the query serializer


Create a body. Used for specializing request bodies

A request that can be paginated.

A request is a Twitch endpoint, see New Twitch API reference

Helix endpoint DELETEs information

Helix endpoint GETs information

Helix endpoint PATCHs information

Helix endpoint POSTs information

Helix endpoint PUTs information


Make a paginate-able request into a stream