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twilight-lavalink is a client for Lavalink as part of the twilight ecosystem.

It includes support for managing multiple nodes, a player manager for conveniently using players to send events and retrieve information for each guild, and an HTTP module for creating requests using the http crate and providing models to deserialize their responses. It will automatically handle sending voice channel updates to Lavalink by processing events via the client’s process method, which you must call with every Voice State Update and Voice Server Update you receive.



The http-support feature adds support for the http module to return request types from the http crate. This is enabled by default.


twilight-lavalink has features to enable tokio-tungstenite’s TLS features. These features are mutually exclusive. rustls-native-roots is enabled by default.


The native feature enables tokio-tungstenite’s native-tls feature.

To enable native, do something like this in your Cargo.toml:

twilight-lavalink = { default-features = false, features = ["native"], version = "0.2" }

The rustls-native-roots feature enables tokio-tungstenite’s rustls-tls-native-roots feature, which uses rustls as the TLS backend and rustls-native-certs for root certificates.

This is enabled by default.


The rustls-webpki-roots feature enables tokio-tungstenite’s rustls-tls-webpki-roots feature, which uses rustls as the TLS backend and webpki-roots for root certificates.

This should be preferred over rustls-native-roots in Docker containers based on scratch.


Create a client, add a node, and give events to the client to process events:

use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
use std::{
use twilight_gateway::{Event, Intents, Shard, ShardId};
use twilight_http::Client as HttpClient;
use twilight_lavalink::{http::LoadedTracks, model::Play, Lavalink};

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // Initialize the tracing subscriber.

    let token = env::var("DISCORD_TOKEN")?;
    let lavalink_host = SocketAddr::from_str(&env::var("LAVALINK_HOST")?)?;
    let lavalink_auth = env::var("LAVALINK_AUTHORIZATION")?;
    let shard_count = 1u64;

    let http = HttpClient::new(token.clone());
    let user_id = http.current_user().await?.model().await?.id;

    let lavalink = Lavalink::new(user_id, shard_count);
    lavalink.add(lavalink_host, lavalink_auth).await?;

    let intents = Intents::GUILD_MESSAGES | Intents::GUILD_VOICE_STATES;
    let mut shard = Shard::new(ShardId::ONE, token, intents);

    loop {
        let event = match shard.next_event().await {
            Ok(event) => event,
            Err(source) => {
                tracing::warn!(?source, "error receiving event");

                if source.is_fatal() {




There is also an example of a basic bot located in the root of the twilight repository.



  • Client to manage nodes and players.
  • httphttp-support
    Models to deserialize responses into and functions to create http crate requests.
  • Models to (de)serialize incoming/outgoing websocket events and HTTP responses.
  • Nodes for communicating with a Lavalink server.
  • Players containing information about active playing state within guilds and allowing you to send events to connected nodes.