Crate twilight_embed_builder[][src]

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twilight-embed-builder is a set of builder for the twilight-rs ecosystem to create a message embed, useful when creating or updating messages.


Build a simple embed:

use twilight_embed_builder::{EmbedBuilder, EmbedFieldBuilder};

let embed = EmbedBuilder::new()
    .description("Here's a list of reasons why Twilight is the best pony:")
    .field(EmbedFieldBuilder::new("Wings", "She has wings.").inline())
    .field(EmbedFieldBuilder::new("Horn", "She can do magic, and she's really good at it.").inline())

Build an embed with an image:

use twilight_embed_builder::{EmbedBuilder, ImageSource};

let embed = EmbedBuilder::new()
    .description("Here's a cool image of Twilight Sparkle")


pub use self::image_source::ImageSource;


Sources to image URLs and attachments.


Create an embed author with a builder.

Create an embed with a builder.

Error building an embed.

Create an embed field with a builder.

Create an embed footer with a builder.


Type of EmbedError that occurred.