turn-server 1.2.0

A pure rust-implemented turn server.
turn-server-1.2.0 is not a library.

A pure rust-implemented turn server, different from coturn, provides a more flexible external control API and provides the same performance and memory footprint, this project is most compatible with the scenario of using stun/turn server in webrtc.

Who uses it?

Table of contents


  • udp and tcp transport.
  • webhooks api. (hooks-api)
  • external controller api. (controller-api)
  • static identity in configuration file.
  • only long-term authentication is supported.
  • virtual port support. (allocate request does not allocate real udp ports)


  • stun, fast and zero-cost stun message decoder and encoder. (crate).
  • turn, a library for handling turn sessions. (crate).
  • turn-server, implementation of turn server based on turn library.


cargo install turn-server

Start with configuration file:

turn-server --config=/etc/turn_server/config.toml

Please check the example configuration file for details: turn_server.toml


docker pull quasipaa/turn-server

The custom configuration file overrides the /etc/turn-server/config.toml path inside the image through -v.

Linux service


This will compile the project and install and start the service.



You need to install the Rust toolchain, if you have already installed it, you can skip it, Install Rust, then get the source code:

git clone https://github.com/mycrl/turn-rs

Build workspace

Compile the entire workspace in release mode:

cd turn-rs
cargo build --release

After the compilation is complete, you can find the binary file in the "target/release" directory.


MIT Copyright (c) 2022 Mr.Panda.