Macro tuplez::apply

source ·
apply!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description

Pass the elements of a tuple as arguments to a function or method.


ArgsGroup   = [ & [mut] ] Index [ - Index ]

apply!( Expr => Func ( [ArgsGroup1, ArgsGroup2, ...] ) )

[ and ] only indicate the optional content but not that they need to be input.

Similarly, ... indicates several repeated segments, rather than inputting ....

The index must be an integer literal since procedural macros do not yet support evaluating constants.


You can pass the elements of the tuple into the function or method in the order you want:

use tuplez::{tuple, apply};

fn test(_: i32, _: f64, _: &str) {}

let tup = tuple!(3.4, 2, "hello", [1, 2, 3], 8);
apply!(tup => test(4, 0, 2));   // Expand to `test(8, 3.4, "hello")`

Parts in the same order can be omitted in the form start - end:

use tuplez::{tuple, apply};

fn test(_: i32, _: f64, _: &str, _: [i32; 3]) {}

let tup = tuple!([1, 2, 3], 2, 3.4, "hello", 9);
apply!(tup => test(1-3, 0));    // `1-3` expands to `1, 2, 3`

And reverse ranges are also supported:

use tuplez::{tuple, apply};

fn test(_: &str, _: f64, _: i32, _: [i32; 3]) {}

let tup = tuple!([1, 2, 3], 2, 3.4, "hello", 9);
apply!(tup => test(3-1, 0));    // `3-1` expands to `3, 2, 1`

You can add & or &mut to elements to borrow them. Here is a slightly more complex example:

use tuplez::{tuple, apply};

struct DoIt<T>(T);
impl<T> DoIt<T> {
    fn do_sth(&self, _: String, _: f64, _: &str, _: &mut i32, _: &mut [T; 3], _: &i32) {}

let tup = tuple!(
    [5, 2, 4],
apply!(tup => DoIt::<i32>(7).do_sth(3-5, &mut 0-1, &6));

NOTE: apply! consumes the tuple, even if you add & or &mut to each elements. Sometimes you can avoid this by adding a & or &mut before the tuple:

use tuplez::{tuple, apply};

fn push(v: &mut Vec<i32>, x: i32) {

let mut tup = tuple!(vec![1, 2], 3);
apply!(&mut tup => push(&mut 0, 1));
assert_eq!(tup, tuple!(vec![1, 2, 3], 3));

It is worth mentioning that the input tuple can be any expression. The &tup and the &mut tup are just two of the many possible inputs.

You can use the same element multiple times as long as Rust’s move checker and borrow checker allow it:

use tuplez::{tuple, apply};

fn test(_: i32, _: i32, _: i32, _: &i32, _: &i32, _: &mut i32) {}

let tup = tuple!(1, 2, 3);
apply!(tup => test(0-2, &1-2, &mut 0));