Crate try_ascii

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Helper to format byte slices that probably/mostly contain ASCII-encoded text

This can be used to log binary data which is expected to be text but which is not guaranteed to be valid UTF-8. In these cases, it can be unfeasible to use std::str::from_utf8 because whenever that function fails, an Utf8Error would be logged instead of the actual data. Using try_ascii, the text parts are formatted as text while the binary parts fall back to the default Debug implementation for &[u8]:

use try_ascii::try_ascii;
println!("{:x?}", try_ascii(b"Hello, \xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3"));

Prints as:

Hello, [a0, a1, a2, a3]

You can either use the provided try_ascii function, or import the TryToAscii trait, that automatically implements try_ascii() for [u8], &[u8] and everything that implements AsRef<[u8]>:

use try_ascii::TryAscii;

// You can use .try_ascii() directly on a [u8]-slice:
println!("{:x?}", b"Hello, \xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3".try_ascii());

// ... or on &[u8] :
let slice: &[u8] = b"Hello, \xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3";
println!("{:x?}", slice.try_ascii());

// ... or on things that implement AsRef<[u8]>:
let slice: [u8; 11] = *b"Hello, \xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3";
println!("{:x?}", slice.as_ref().try_ascii());


Open Logistics Foundation License
Version 1.3, January 2023

See the LICENSE file in the top-level directory.


Fraunhofer IML Embedded Rust Group -



  • Trait that encapsulates the logic of try_ascii


  • Helper function to format the text parts of a byte slice as text and the non-text parts with the default Debug implementation for byte slices