Trait truck_modeling::topo_traits::Sweep[][src]

pub trait Sweep<P, C, S> {
    type Swept;
    fn sweep<FP: Fn(&P) -> P, FC: Fn(&C) -> C, FS: Fn(&S) -> S, CP: Fn(&P, &P) -> C, CE: Fn(&C, &C) -> S>(
        point_mapping: &FP,
        curve_mapping: &FC,
        surface_mapping: &FS,
        connect_points: &CP,
        connect_curve: &CE
    ) -> Self::Swept; }
Expand description

Abstract sweeping, builds a circle-arc, a prism, a half torus, and so on.

Associated Types

The struct of sweeped topology.

Required methods

Transform topologies and connect vertices and edges in boundaries.

Implementations on Foreign Types

Transforms a vertex and creates an edge by connecting vertices.

use truck_topology::*;
use truck_modeling::topo_traits::*;
let v = Vertex::new(1);
let edge = v.sweep(
    &move |i: &usize| *i + 1,
    &move |i: &usize, j: &usize| *i * 10 + j,
    &move |_, _| (),
assert_eq!(edge.front().get_point(), 1);
assert_eq!(edge.back().get_point(), 2);
assert_eq!(edge.get_curve(), 12);

Transforms an edge and creates a face by connecting vertices and edges.

use truck_topology::*;
use truck_modeling::topo_traits::*;
let edge = Edge::new(
let face = edge.sweep(
    &move |i: &usize| *i + 2,
    &move |j: &usize| *j + 100,
    &move |i: &usize, j: &usize| *i * 10 + j,
    &move |i: &usize, j: &usize| *i + *j,

assert_eq!(face.get_surface(), 300);
assert_eq!(face.boundaries().len(), 1);

let boundary: Wire<usize, usize> = face.boundaries()[0].clone();
assert_eq!(boundary.len(), 4);

assert_eq!(boundary[0], edge);

assert_eq!(boundary[1].front().get_point(), 2);
assert_eq!(boundary[1].back().get_point(), 4);
assert_eq!(boundary[1].get_curve(), 24);

assert_eq!(boundary[2].front().get_point(), 4);
assert_eq!(boundary[2].back().get_point(), 3);
// the curve of second edge is determined by connect_curves  
assert_eq!(boundary[2].get_curve(), 200);

assert_eq!(boundary[3].front().get_point(), 3);
assert_eq!(boundary[3].back().get_point(), 1);
assert_eq!(boundary[3].get_curve(), 13);

Transforms a wire and creates a shell by connecting vertices and edges.

use truck_topology::*;
use truck_modeling::topo_traits::*;
use shell::ShellCondition;
let v = Vertex::news(&[1, 2, 3, 4]);
let wire = Wire::from(vec![
    Edge::new(&v[0], &v[1], 100),
    Edge::new(&v[1], &v[2], 110),
    Edge::new(&v[3], &v[2], 120).inverse(),
    Edge::new(&v[3], &v[1], 130),
let shell = wire.sweep(
    &move |i: &usize| *i + 4,
    &move |j: &usize| *j + 100,
    &move |i: &usize, j: &usize| *i * 10 + j,
    &move |i: &usize, j: &usize| *i + *j,

let face1 = &shell[1];
assert_eq!(face1.get_surface(), 320);
let boundary1 = &face1.boundaries()[0];
assert_eq!(boundary1[0].get_curve(), 110);
assert_eq!(boundary1[1].get_curve(), 37);
assert_eq!(boundary1[2].get_curve(), 210);
assert_eq!(boundary1[3].get_curve(), 26);
assert_eq!(boundary1[0].front().get_point(), 2);
assert_eq!(boundary1[1].front().get_point(), 3);
assert_eq!(boundary1[2].front().get_point(), 7);
assert_eq!(boundary1[3].front().get_point(), 6);

let face2 = &shell[2];
assert_eq!(face2.get_surface(), 340);
let boundary2 = &face2.boundaries()[0];
assert_eq!(boundary2[0].get_curve(), 120);
assert_eq!(boundary2[1].get_curve(), 48);
assert_eq!(boundary2[2].get_curve(), 220);
assert_eq!(boundary2[3].get_curve(), 37);
assert_eq!(boundary2[0].front().get_point(), 3);
assert_eq!(boundary2[1].front().get_point(), 4);
assert_eq!(boundary2[2].front().get_point(), 8);
assert_eq!(boundary2[3].front().get_point(), 7);

assert_eq!(boundary1[1].id(), boundary2[3].id());
assert_ne!(boundary1[1], boundary2[3]);

Transforms a face and creates a solid by connecting vertices, edges and faces.

use truck_topology::*;
use truck_modeling::topo_traits::*;
let v = Vertex::news(&[1, 2]);
let edge = Edge::new(&v[0], &v[1], 12);
let face = edge.sweep(
    &move |i: &usize| *i + 2,
    &move |i: &usize| *i + 22,
    &move |i: &usize, j: &usize| *i * 10 + *j,
    &move |i: &usize, j: &usize| *i * 100 + *j,
let solid = face.sweep(
    &move |i: &usize| *i + 4,
    &move |i: &usize| *i + 44,
    &move |i: &usize| *i + 3333,
    &move |i: &usize, j: &usize| *i * 10 + *j,
    &move |i: &usize, j: &usize| *i * 100 + *j,
let shell = &solid.boundaries()[0];

// The boundary shell has 6 faces since this solid is a cube.
assert_eq!(shell.len(), 6);

// the first face of the boundary shell is the inversed original face.
assert_ne!(shell[0].orientation(), face.orientation());

// Check the condition of the third face.
assert_eq!(shell[2].get_surface(), 2468);
let bdry = &shell[2].boundaries()[0];
assert_eq!(bdry[0].get_curve(), 24);
assert_eq!(bdry[1].get_curve(), 48);
assert_eq!(bdry[2].get_curve(), 68);
assert_eq!(bdry[3].get_curve(), 26);

// Check the last face: seiling.
assert_eq!(shell[5].get_surface(), 4567);

Transforms a shell and tries to create solids by connecting vertices, edges and faces.

In this function, the shell is broken down into connected components and each of components extruded to form a solid.


For each component, this method returns Result of sweeping, since there is no clear guarantee that a solid can be formed by the extrusion of the shell. At least, a component must be oriented and not be closed to be extruded.
