Module triseratops::tag::serato32

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These functions convert between a custom 4-byte format (that we’ll call serato32 for brevity) and 3-byte plaintext (both u32). Serato’s custom format inserts a single null bit after every 7 payload bits, starting from the rightmost bit.

This format is used to encode the 3-byte RGB color values (track color, cue colors) and the cue positions and the Serato Markers_ tag.

Binary Format Details

serato32     |     Byte1     |     Byte2     |     Byte3     |     Byte4     |
             | Nibb1 | Nibb2 | Nibb3 | Nibb4 | Nibb5 | Nibb6 | Nibb7 | Nibb8 |
Bits         |A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D E E E E F F F F G G G G H H H H|
Ignored Bits |^ ^ ^ ^ ^       ^               ^               ^              |
Plaintext    |||||||||||     Byte1       |      Byte2      |      Byte3      |
             |||||||||||  Nibb1  | Nibb2 |  Nibb3  | Nibb4 |  Nibb5  | Nibb6 |

More information can be found in the format documentation.


3-byte plaintext 00 00 cc 000 0000000 0000001 1001100
serato32 value00 00 01 4c00000000000000000000000101001100
3-byte plaintext cc 88 00 110 0110010 0010000 0000000
serato32 value06 32 10 0000000110001100100001000000000000


  • Decodes value from Serato’s 32-bit custom format to 24-bit plaintext.
  • Encodes 3-byte value to to Serato’s 32-bit custom format.
  • Returns a 3-byte tuple decoded from the first 4 input bytes.
  • Returns a Color decoded from the first 4 input bytes.
  • Returns a u32 decoded from the first 4 input bytes.