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Hotcue and Track Colors Helpers

Hotcue Colors

The on-screen representation of hotcue colors can differ slightly from what’s stored in the Serato Markers and Serato Markers2 tags depending on whether Serato DJ Pro, Serato DJ Lite or Serato DJ Intro is used.

Both Serato DJ Pro and Serato DJ Intro let the user choose from a palette of 18 different colors. In contrast to the latter which just displays the exact same colors that are saved in the metadata, both Serato DJ Lite and Serato DJ Pro map the colors to another color palette:

Palette IndexDefault HotcueSerato DJ Intro/MetadataSerato DJ Pro/Lite
11CC0000 #CC0000C02626 #C02626
2CC4400 #CC4400DB4E27 #DB4E27
32CC8800 #CC8800F8821A #F8821A
44CCCC00 #CCCC00FAC313 #FAC313
588CC00 #88CC004EB648 #4EB648
644CC00 #44CC00006838 #006838
7500CC00 #00CC001FAD26 #1FAD26
800CC44 #00CC448DC63F #8DC63F
900CC88 #00CC882B3673 #2B3673
110088CC #0088CC0F88CA #0F88CA
120044CC #0044CC16308B #16308B
1330000CC #0000CC173BA2 #173BA2
144400CC #4400CC5C3F97 #5C3F97
1588800CC #8800CC6823B6 #6823B6
166CC00CC #CC00CCCE359E #CE359E
17CC0088 #CC0088DC1D49 #DC1D49
18CC0044 #CC0044C71136 #C71136

This means that if a Hotcue is saved with color #C02626 in Serato DJ Pro, it actually saves #CC0000 in the metadata. If that file is opened in Serato DJ Intro, the hotcue will be displayed with color #CC0000 (i.e. the metadata color), if the file is opened in Serato DJ Pro/Lite, the hotcue will be displayed with color #C02626.

Hence, Serato DJ Intro is the only Serato DJ variant that displays the colors exactly like they are saved (i.e. without applying any transformation/colorscheme).

Note that Serato DJ Lite only has 4 hotcues with predefined, unchangeable colors (the emphasized hotcue colors 1-4 in the table above).

Track Colors

Serato DJ Pro displays different colors in the color picker and the actual column (see table below). Generally, the column value can be calculated by subtracting 0x666666 from the stored value. If the result is less than 0, 0x1000000 is also added. An alternative way to calculate is without using signed numbers: If the stored value is less than 0x666666 then add 0x99999A, else subtract 0x666666

There are some exceptions though:

  • If the stored color is 0x999999, 0x090909 will be displayed instead of 0x333333 (this means that both 0x999999 and 0x6F6F6F will result in the same color)
  • If the stored color is 0xFFFFFF, 0x333333 will be displayed instead of 0x999999
  • If the stored color is 0x000000, 0x333333 will be displayed instead of 0X99999A

This means that both 0x999999 and 0X999999A cannot be used in the track color library column.

#Color Picker / Stored in TagShown in Library Column
1FF99FF #FF99FF993399 #993399
2FF99DD #FF99DD993377 #993377
3FF99BB #FF99BB993355 #993355
4FF9999 #FF9999993333 #993333
5FFBB99 #FFBB99995533 #995533
6FFDD99 #FFDD99997733 #997733
7FFFF99 #FFFF99999933 #999933
8DDFF99 #DDFF99779933 #779933
9BBFF99 #BBFF99559933 #559933
1099FF99 #99FF99339933 #339933
1199FFBB #99FFBB339955 #339955
1299FFDD #99FFDD339977 #339977
1399FFFF #99FFFF339999 #339999
1499DDFF #99DDFF337799 #337799
1599BBFF #99BBFF335599 #335599
169999FF #9999FF333399 #333399
17BB99FF #BB99FF553399 #553399
18DD99FF #DD99FF773399 #773399
19FFFFFF #FFFFFF333333 #333333
20BBBBBB #BBBBBB555555 #555555
21999999 #999999090909 #090909


Represents a 3-Byte RGB color value.