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A network diagnostic tool, inspired by mtr.


Trippy combines the functionality of traceroute and ping and is designed to assist with the diagnosis of network issues.


  • Trace using multiple protocols:
    • ICMP, UDP & TCP
    • IPv4 & IPv6
  • Customizable tracing options:
    • packet size & payload pattern
    • start and maximum time-to-live (TTL)
    • minimum and maximum round duration
    • round end grace period & maximum number of unknown hops
    • source & destination port (TCP & UDP)
    • Equal Cost Multi-path Routing strategies (classic, paris and dublin)
    • source address and source interface
    • TOS (aka DSCP + ECN)
  • Tui interface:
    • Trace multiple targets simultaneously from a single instance of Trippy
    • Per hop stats (sent, received, loss%, last, avg, best, worst, stddev & status)
    • Per hop round-trip-time (RTT) history and frequency distributing charts
    • Zoom-able chart of RTT for all hops in a trace
    • Multiple hosts per hop with ability to cap display to N hosts and show frequency %
    • Freeze/unfreeze the Tui, reset the stats, flush the cache, preserve screen on exit
    • Responsive UI with adjustable refresh rate
  • DNS:
    • use system, external (Google or Cloudflare or custom resolver
    • Lazy reverse DNS queries
    • Lookup autonomous system number (ASN) and name
  • Generate tracing reports:
    • json, csv & tabular (pretty-printed and markdown)
    • configurable reporting cycles
  • Runs on multiple platform (macOS, Linux, NetBSD)
  • Capabilities aware application (Linux only)

Equal Cost Multi-path Routing

Support for Equal Cost Multi-path Routing strategies are shown in the following table (see the tracking issue):

ClassicIPv4 / IPv6UDP / TCP
ParisIPv4 / IPv6UDP / TCP
DublinIPv6UDP / TCP



cargo install trippy


pkgin install trippy

Docker (Linux only)

docker run -it fujiapple/trippy www.bitwizard.nl


Trippy has been (lightly…) tested on the following platforms:


OpenBSDSee #213
FreeBSDSee #214
WindowsSee #98


OpenBSDSee #213
FreeBSDSee #214
WindowsSee #98


Trippy uses a raw socket which require elevated privileges. Enabling the required privilege can be achieved in several ways, including:

1: Run as root user via sudo:

sudo trip www.bitwizard.nl

2: chown trip as the root user and set the setuid bit:

sudo chown root $(which trip) && sudo chmod +s $(which trip)

3: [Linux only] Set the CAP_NET_RAW capability:

sudo setcap CAP_NET_RAW+p $(which trip)

Trippy is a capability aware application and will add CAP_NET_RAW to the effective set if it is present in the allowed set. Note that trippy will drop all capabilities after creating the raw socket.

Usage Examples

Basic usage with default parameters:

trip www.bitwizard.nl

Trace using the udp (or tcp or icmp) protocol (also aliases --udp & --tcp):

trip www.bitwizard.nl -p udp

Trace to multiple targets simultaneously (icmp protocol only, see #72):

trip www.bitwizard.nl google.com crates.io

Trace with a minimum round time of 250ms and a grace period of 50ms:

trip www.bitwizard.nl -i 250ms -g 50ms

Trace with a custom first and maximum time-to-live:

trip www.bitwizard.nl --first-ttl 2 --max-ttl 10

Use custom destination port 443 for tcp tracing:

trip www.bitwizard.nl -p tcp -P 443

Use custom source port 5000 for udp tracing:

trip www.bitwizard.nl -p udp -S 5000

Use the dublin Equal Cost Multi-path Routing strategy for udp with fixed source and destination ports:

trip www.bitwizard.nl -p udp -R dublin -S 5000 -P 3500

Trace with a custom source address:

trip www.bitwizard.nl -p tcp -A

Trace with a source address determined by the IPv4 address for interface en0:

trip www.bitwizard.nl -p tcp -I en0

Trace using IPv6:

trip www.bitwizard.nl -6

Generate a json (or csv, pretty, markdown) tracing report with 5 rounds of data:

trip www.bitwizard.nl -m json -c 5

Perform DNS queries using the google DNS resolver (or cloudflare, system, resolv):

trip www.bitwizard.nl -r google

Lookup AS information for all discovered IP addresses (not yet available for the system resolver, see #66):

trip www.bitwizard.nl -r google -z


    trip [OPTIONS] <TARGETS>...

    <TARGETS>...    A space delimited list of hostnames and IPs to trace

    -m, --mode <MODE>
            Output mode [default: tui] [possible values: tui, stream, pretty,
            markdown, csv, json]

    -p, --protocol <PROTOCOL>
            Tracing protocol [default: icmp] [possible values: icmp, udp, tcp]

            Trace using the UDP protocol

            Trace using the TCP protocol

    -4, --ipv4
            use IPv4 only

    -6, --ipv6
            Use IPv6 only

    -P, --target-port <TARGET_PORT>
            The target port (TCP & UDP only) [default: 80]

    -S, --source-port <SOURCE_PORT>
            The source port (TCP & UDP only) [default: auto]

    -A, --source-address <SOURCE_ADDRESS>
            The source IP address [default: auto]

    -I, --interface <INTERFACE>
            The network interface [default: auto]

    -i, --min-round-duration <MIN_ROUND_DURATION>
            The minimum duration of every round [default: 1s]

    -T, --max-round-duration <MAX_ROUND_DURATION>
            The maximum duration of every round [default: 1s]

        --initial-sequence <INITIAL_SEQUENCE>
            The initial sequence number [default: 33000]

    -R, --multipath-strategy <MULTIPATH_STRATEGY>
            The Equal-cost Multi-Path routing strategy (IPv4/UDP only) [default:
            classic] [possible values: classic, paris, dublin]

    -g, --grace-duration <GRACE_DURATION>
            The period of time to wait for additional ICMP responses after the
            target has responded [default: 100ms]

    -U, --max-inflight <MAX_INFLIGHT>
            The maximum number of in-flight ICMP echo requests [default: 24]

    -f, --first-ttl <FIRST_TTL>
            The TTL to start from [default: 1]

    -t, --max-ttl <MAX_TTL>
            The maximum number of TTL hops [default: 64]

        --packet-size <PACKET_SIZE>
            The size of IP packet to send (IP header + ICMP header + payload)
            [default: 84]

        --payload-pattern <PAYLOAD_PATTERN>
            The repeating pattern in the payload of the ICMP packet [default: 0]

    -Q, --tos <TOS>
            The TOS (i.e. DSCP+ECN) IP header value (TCP and UDP only) [default:

        --read-timeout <READ_TIMEOUT>
            The socket read timeout [default: 10ms]

    -r, --dns-resolve-method <DNS_RESOLVE_METHOD>
            How to perform DNS queries [default: system] [possible values:
            system, resolv, google, cloudflare]

        --dns-timeout <DNS_TIMEOUT>
            The maximum time to wait to perform DNS queries [default: 5s]

    -z, --dns-lookup-as-info
            Lookup autonomous system (AS) information during DNS queries

    -a, --tui-address-mode <TUI_ADDRESS_MODE>
            How to render addresses [default: host] [possible values: ip, host,

    -M, --tui-max-addrs <TUI_MAX_ADDRS>
            The maximum number of addresses to show per hop

    -s, --tui-max-samples <TUI_MAX_SAMPLES>
            The maximum number of samples to record per hop [default: 256]

            Preserve the screen on exit

        --tui-refresh-rate <TUI_REFRESH_RATE>
            The TUI refresh rate [default: 100ms]

    -c, --report-cycles <REPORT_CYCLES>
            The number of report cycles to run [default: 10]

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -V, --version
            Print version information


Trippy is made possible by tui-rs , crossterm as well as several foundational Rust libraries.

Trippy draws heavily from mtr and also incorporates ideas from both libparistraceroute & Dublin Traceroute.

The Trippy networking code is inspired by pnet and some elements of that codebase are incorporated in Trippy.

The AS data is retrieved from the IP to ASN Mapping Service provided by Team Cymru.

The trippy.cli.rs CNAME hosting is provided by cli.rs.


This project is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0).

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in time by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

See LICENSE for details.

Copyright 2022 Trippy Contributors
