Crate trees [] [src]


Provides the Tree/Forest data structures which are suitable for storing hierarchical data built from the bottom up.

This crate does not depend on libstd, and can be regarded as the nonlinear version of std::collections::LinkedList.

Quick start

  1. Tree notation
use trees::tr;      // tr stands for tree
tr(0);              // A single tree node with data 0. tr(0) has no children
tr(0) /tr(1);       // tr(0) has one child tr(1)
tr(0) /tr(1)/tr(2); // tr(0) has children tr(1) and tr(2)
// tr(0) has children tr(1) and tr(4), while tr(1) has children tr(2) and tr(3), and tr(4) has children tr(5) and tr(6).
// The spaces and carriage returns are for pretty format and do not make sense.
    /( tr(1) /tr(2)/tr(3) )
    /( tr(4) /tr(5)/tr(6) );
  1. Forest notation
use trees::{tr,fr}; // fr stands for forest

fr::<i32>();        // An empty forest
fr() - tr(1);       // forest has one child tr(1)
- tr(1);            // forest has one child tr(1). The fr() can be omitted. The Neg operator for Tree converts the tree to a forest.
- tr(1) - tr(2);    // forest has child tr(1) and tr(2)
tr(1) - tr(2);      // forest has child tr(1) and tr(2). The leading neg can be omitted.
// forest has children tr(1) and tr(4), while tr(1) has children tr(2) and tr(3), and tr(4) has children tr(5) and tr(6).
-( tr(1) /tr(2)/tr(3) )
-( tr(4) /tr(5)/tr(6) );

// A tree tr(0) whose children equal to the forest descripted above.
tr(0) /(
    -( tr(1) /( -tr(2)-tr(3) ) )
    -( tr(4) /( -tr(5)-tr(6) ) )
  1. Preorder traversal
use std::string::{String,ToString};
use trees::{tr,Node};

let tree = tr(0)
    /( tr(1) /tr(2)/tr(3) )
    /( tr(4) /tr(5)/tr(6) );

fn tree_to_string<T:ToString>( node: &Node<T> ) -> String {
    if node.is_leaf() {
    } else {
            + &"( "
            + &node.children()
                .fold( String::new(),
                    |s,c| s + &tree_to_string(c) + &" " )
            + &")"

assert_eq!( tree_to_string( &tree ), "0( 1( 2 3 ) 4( 5 6 ) )" );
  1. String representation

The Debug and Display trait has been implemented and are essentially the same as tree_to_tring() mentioned above.

Children are seperated by spaces and grouped in the parentheses that follow their parent closely.

use trees::{tr,fr};

let tree = tr(0) /( tr(1) /tr(2)/tr(3) ) /( tr(4) /tr(5)/tr(6) );
let str_repr = "0( 1( 2 3 ) 4( 5 6 ) )";
assert_eq!( tree.to_string(), str_repr );
assert_eq!( format!( "{:?}", tree ), str_repr );
assert_eq!( fr::<i32>().to_string(), "()" );
assert_eq!( format!( "{:?}", fr::<i32>() ), "()" );
let forest = -( tr(1) /tr(2)/tr(3) ) -( tr(4) /tr(5)/tr(6) );
let str_repr = "( 1( 2 3 ) 4( 5 6 ) )";
assert_eq!( forest.to_string(), str_repr );
assert_eq!( format!( "{:?}", forest ), str_repr );

Slow start


  1. Tree is composed of a root Node and an optional Forest as its children. A tree can NOT be empty.
use trees::{tr,Tree,Forest};

let tree: Tree<i32> = tr(0);
let forest: Forest<i32> = -tr(1)-tr(2)-tr(3);
let mut tree = tree.adopt( forest );
let forest = tree.abandon();
  1. Forest is composed of Nodes as its children. A forest can be empty.
use trees::{tr,fr,Tree,Forest};

let mut forest: Forest<i32> = fr(); // an empty forest
forest.push_back( tr(1) );          // forest has one tree
forest.push_back( tr(2) );          // forest has two trees
  1. Node is a borrowed tree, and Tree is an owned Node. All nodes in a tree can be referenced as &Node, but only the root node can be observed as Tree by the user.
use trees::{tr,Tree,Node};
use std::borrow::Borrow;

let mut tree: Tree<i32>  = tr(0) /tr(1)/tr(2)/tr(3);
    let root: &Node<i32> = tree.borrow();
    let first_child : &Node<i32> = tree.children().next().unwrap();
    let second_child: &Node<i32> = tree.children().nth(2).unwrap();
    let third_child : &Node<i32> = tree.children().last().unwrap();
let first_child: Tree<i32> = tree.pop_front().unwrap();


The children nodes of a node, or a forest, is conceptually a forward list.

  1. Using children() to iterate over referenced child Nodes, you can:

  • read the data associated with each node.

  • using children() to iterate over children's children, perhaps read the data associated with children's children, etc.

  1. Using children_mut() to iterate over referenced child Nodes, you can:

  • read/write the data associated with each node, or adopt(), abandon(), push_front(), pop_front(), push_back() child node(s) in constant time.

  • using children_mut() to iterate over children's children, perhaps read/write the data associated with children's children, or adopt(), abandon(), push_front(), pop_front(), push_back() child node(s) in constant time, etc.

  1. Using subtrees() to iterate over Subtrees, you can:

  • insert_sib(), remove() node(s) at given position in the children forward list in O(n) time.

  • do whatever children() or children_mut() allows to do.

  1. Using Forest::<T>::into_iter() to iterate over Trees, you can:

  • do whatever you want to.

Resource management

  1. Tree/Forest are implemented in extrusive manner with two extra pointers per node, and will recursively destruct all the nodes owned by the tree/forest when reaching the end of their lifetimes.
  2. Clone for Tree and Forest makes deep copy which clones all its decendant nodes. To do copy for just one node, simplely let cloned = trees::tr( );.
  3. No bookkeeping of size information.


No panics unless Clone is involved:

  • Node::<T>::to_owned()
  • Tree::<T>::clone()
  • Forest::<T>::clone()
  • all of the operator overloading functions the operands of which contain at least one referenced type.

Panics if and only if T::clone() panics.



Collection of circularly-linked Trees


An owning iterator over the children of a Forest.


An iterator over the direct decendants of a tree Node or Forest.


A mutable iterator over the direct decendants of a tree Node or Forest.


Tree node implemented in singly-linked-children / circularly-linked-siblings.


Wrapper of tree Node with the additional function of inserting/removing node at given position in the subtrees in O(n) time.


A mutable iterator over the direct decendants of a Tree or Forest.


Tree with owned Nodes.



Makes an empty Forest


Creates a Tree with given data on heap. Tree is NOT nullable. Consider using an empty Forest instead if needed.

Type Definitions
